Chapter 15-Dr. Lizard

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Kurt sat at his table mixing the final components in his new version of the dreaded project x. Otto didn't suspect a thing that Kurt was doing, thank God. The only thing Otto had on his mind was to kill the creature that was the Lizard.
It was Electro's turn to watch Kurt this time. He was the only one who could stay committed while not harassing or threatening him. He sat, not knowing what the hell Kurt was mixing, and decided to try and make small talk.
"So," Max started, "you and the doctor puss used to be friends, huh? Why did you try to kill him again?"
Kurt smirked and held up the vial of green liquid that he was mixing. "This stuff made me do it." He looked back down at his work with a disappointed look. "I'd never hurt Otto in my life on purpose. Never in my life. We've been friends since high school, and now he wants to humiliate me by killing me like some type of wild animal."
Electro scratched his scruff and chuckled at the doctor. "Family and friends can be weird. Y'know my cousin is a thief just like me. Wears a red and gold skin tight suit. He calls himself the Shocker cause he shocks people or some shit like that. Tried to kill me like seven times because he and I are too much alike or something like that." He shook his head and chuckled. He was really beginning to be someone totally different. Electro was slowly leaving and Max Dillon was taking his place. "All things considered, doc, when time comes to kick ass, I hope you put up one hell of a fight."
Kurt frowned. "Yeah, but I won't be fighting him," he responded. "The monstrous Lizard will be."
Electro nodded in agreement. Kurt had a good point. "I wish I could apologize for all of this. I wish I could do something to stop all of this. I wish I could take so much back..."
"Don't apologize," Kurt replied. "Once it's over, it's over." Kurt moved his eyes behind Max, and Max looked behind himself too. He saw Otto approaching the table.
Otto looked at Kurt with a sinister smile. "Is it done, Doctor Connors?" Kurt nodded with a fake sad expression. Max backed away from them. He wasn't sure how this whole thing was going to go down.
Kurt filled a syringe with his project x. He looked at Otto again. "Otto," he said, "please don't make me do this. I'm begging you, I don't want to become that monster again."
Otto reached one of his mechanical arms towards Kurt. Its threatening claws moved closer to his face. "Come on, Kurt," he said while taunting him. "Don't you want a fighting chance before you die? You against me doesn't seem like much of a fair fall, but the beast against me is a totally different story."
Kurt moved the needle closer to his arm. He silently prayed that this formula would allow him to keep his conscience. That's what was so special about this: the Lizard wouldn't be in control, he would be. He looked at Otto and the others with fury. "You asked for this..."
He injected the serum into his arm and stood away from the others. Everyone except Otto looked on in horror at what they were looking at. Kurt finally turned into his beastly and ungodly lizard form.
For a second, Kurt wondered if he'd only be experiencing everything from the inside, but he soon realized that he had full control of the monster.
It worked...thank God it actually worked. Kurt was looking through the Lizard's eyes. He was in full control. He couldn't let them know that the Lizard's mind wasn't actually there though, so he looked at Otto and licked his lips with his long wicked tongue.
"Hellooo, Dr. Octaviussss..." Kurt greeted.
Otto smiled in victory. He chuckled as he approached him. "Hello, creature." He moved two of his mechanical arms towards the Lizard. "If I recall, the last time we met you caused me some serious brain damage."
Kurt had to think of something that the Lizard would say to delay the time. "Of coursssseee... Pity I didn't end youuuuur misssserable life right then and there..." Suddenly, the Lizard's electrode response triggered. He began to feel the vibration of people coming. Thank God...Peter and the others were coming. "Assss much assss I would lovvve to kill youuuu right now, Octaviusssssss...we havvve bigger issuessss..."
Otto began to look around him. "What 'other issues?'"
"It's the bug-boy!" Vulture exclaimed. He checked the security cameras that he placed around the city and showed Otto pictures of Peter and the others coming their way.
Parker's coming, Electro thought to himself.
Otto gritted his teeth in anger. He looked at Kurt and grinned. "As much as I would love to kill you too, it seems that we have a common enemy at the moment." He activated all of his mechanical arms. "How about we kill a couple of spider friends and then we kill each other."
Kurt played along. If he joined Peter and the others, Otto couldn't even stop them. "Firssst the ssspidersss...then I killl youuuu..."
Scorpion cackled. "Ah, much muerto done here today, senors...."
Lizard chuckled along with him. "Yessss, my friend.....much...."
Electro stood there wondering what he could do. He did not want to kill Parker and the others now, but at the same time he wanted to still be a criminal.
This choice that he would make would change his life forever. Whether it would be good or bad didn't matter.
This was gonna way or another.

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