Chapter 8-Imperfect Night

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They all were in the hospital worried about what had just happened. The ambulance came and took her as Harry, Peter, and Gwen changed into their civilian clothes as they drove to the hospital.
Everything was a mess. Not only was MJ dying, but Kurt was missing. Not only was Kurt missing, but the five criminals and Otto were nowhere to be found. It made Peter's head hurt worse and worse.
Gwen and Harry sat down on a waiting room couch as Peter paced the hall. Gwen spoke up. "Peter, sit down please. You need to relax." He just kept pacing the hallway. He shook his head and constantly mumbled to himself.
Harry looked at his watch. "They've been in there for an hour. Surely they've gotten somewhere, with her condition," he said. "Peter, she's going to be alright."
She nodded in agreement. "She will be, Peter, because she's the strongest person we know." She felt a tear come to her eye, but she held it in. She put her face down. "This is all my fault..." she whispered to herself.
Harry put his arm around her to comfort her. "This is not your fault, Gwen," he said. "This is no one's fault. This was just...and accident..."
Finally, the doctor exited the room and walked into the hallway where the three were situated. Peter approached the doctor quickly. "How is she?" he asked.
The doctor sighed. "She's in critical condition right now," he responded. "She's sustained a massive injury to the back of her brain and skull, not to mention the major volt of electricity that has scorched her. Well continue to keep a watchful eye on her tonight, but there's really nothing we can do now but wait."
Peter nodded and continued to feel awful. His head began to feel worse and worse now. He had to stop thinking about this or it was going to kill him.
Soon, Mary Jane's aunt, Aunt May, and Gwen's mom came rushing down the halls to give the three kids hugs. Ms. Watson and Mrs. Stacy went inside while Peter asked May to stay for a moment so they could talk.
Gwen turned to Harry with wet eyes. "What do we do now?"
He shook his head. "I don't know. I know Mrs. Watson won't want to be alone tonight. It'll be good for you to stay here with your mom. I text Liz to lock up the house and hide in the basement." He began to walk to the exit.
"Where are you going?" Gwen asked.
"I'm gonna do another sweep of the city," he responded while opening the door. "I'm gonna find out where those sons of bitches went. If Peter comes out of his current state, don't let him come my way. With MJ like this, combined with everything that's been going on...I don't know if there'll be anything to control him now." He shut the door behind him.
Gwen saw Peter sit down with his aunt and figured that he would want some alone time with the mother that raised him. She walked into MJ's room with Ms. Watson and he another.
Peter sat down with May. He was holding back so many tears. Maybreally hadn't seen him like this since Ben died. It really hurt her.
"What's going on, sweetheart?" she asked. "These past few months have been hard I know, but if you need to talk to me about all of this, I'm right here."
Peter shook his head as tears welled up in his eyes. "I can't do this anymore, Aunt May..." he said weakly. "I can't do it anymore..."
May held Peter's hand gently. "Peter..."
"Everything's gone to shit, May!" he snapped while sobbing. She closed her eyes as she felt her nephew's pain. She tried to compose herself enough to not cry with him."Everything is killing me. Norman, Kurt, Otto, MJ....all of it! I can't stand it anymore... I have to do something before all of this kills me..."
May nodded as she listened. "Peter, your responsibility shouldn't make you this unhappy. What you need to do is relax and take a break. Let Harry take some of the burden."
"I can't risk him being hurt too, Aunt May..." He rubbed his head. "I can't risk anyone else being hurt..." Suddenly he stopped and slowly raised his head.
May looked at him and squeezed his hand. "Peter, what is it?"
He stood up. "I'm going to end it..." He started towards the exit.
May stood up and looked to her nephew. "Peter, where are you going??" Gwen saw what was going on through the room window and began to head after him.
Peter kept walking to the exit. "Peter, stop," his friend snapped. "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to kill them," Peter said. "I'm stopping all of this once and for all."
Gwen's heart sank as she heard those words. Peter blew through the exit and Gwen followed him closely behind. She grabbed his arm.
"Peter, stop this!" she exclaimed. She moved in front of him "I'm not letting you do something that you're gonna regret!"
He grabbed her arms. "Gwen, I'm tired of everything that's happening to me!!! I'm tired of everything!!! I'm tired...I... I'm tired...of..." He began to break down and sob. "Oh God..." he murmured. "What am I doing? Gwen...what am I doing?"
Gwen pulled him into a hug to comfort him. She wanted to cry too but she had to be strong for him. She shushed him and kept him in an embrace. "It's going to be alright, Peter. We're gonna stop them...but we'll do it together.

The six stood in their hideout, which was an old storage building. Octavius was pissed. He stood in the midst of the four that made it. Rhino had his back turned from him, hiding so much pent up anger. Scorpion sat down and twitched from his schizophrenia. Vulture held his head low in shame. Kraven stood to Otto and was prepared to take it like a man.
"What just happened?" Otto asked them. They all stayed silent. "What just happened, dammit!?"
"We screwed up," Vulture said. "Fair and square. We'll try harder next time."
Otto got angrier. "You all had one job: keep Spider-Man out of the picture. No one dies except for Connors. And who got killed?! WHO?!" They all stayed silent again. "Not Connors. Someone innocent died tonight, and it was because you couldn't do your one job!"
Kraven approached Otto. "With all due respect, Dr. Octavius, this was not OUR fault."
"Th-that's true," Mac joined in. "It was that pujos, Electro."
Rhino turned to them. "Where is spark man?" He asked. "I would like to bring pain upon him for ruining our fun."
"He was running behind," Adrian replied. "Last I saw of him, he was about to put a bunch of volts of electricity through Parker."
As if his ears were burning, Max ran inside and slammed the door shut behind him. "Whew, that was close wasn't it?" All of the others turned to him and turned angry. "What? I see this as a win!"
Otto approached him fiercely. "Max, Max, Max," he said calmly, "you had one job: use Miss Watson as a non-harmed hostage to lure the spider away or a bargaining device." He moved two of his mechanical arms close to Electro. "So tell me, Max, how is killing her a win?"
He chuckled. "That chick was Parker's girlfriend, right? Now that she's out of the picture, his morale is gonna be weaker. He'll know not to mess with us, huh?"
Otto shook his head and scowled. "You apparently don't know Peter Parker, the Spider-Man, like me and the rest in this room do. Now that she's dead, there will be nothing that he won't do to stop us now. He blames himself for everything, and he has a short temper when it come to his friends."
Max laughed in his face. "So what's the deal? Six of us, one of him."
"You apparently didn't see Osborn, or his other friend, the Stacy girl." He rubbed his chin in thought. "Somehow she has spider powers as well. It's not six on one, it's six on three, which lessens our odds greatly."
"What we do now?" Aleksi asked.
"Simple," Otto replied. "We move on with our plan. Find Kurt Connors and kill him. Try to keep Spider-Man and his knew heroic friends out of it. Thanks to Electro...we have to kill them, too."
The four nodded in agreement and Max laughed. "Oh, I've been waiting for this for a long time," he said. "Just wait until I get my hands on that bastard. I'm gonna roast him ali--"
Max's words were cut off by one of doc's arms. Its claws were clamped around his neck, cutting off his oxygen. Otto was killing him.
"Wh--what--are--yo--u-d--oing..." Electro asked, gasping for air.
Otto scowled. "I can't trust you, Max, so I'm only going to say this once more. If you mess up one more time, I will not hesitate to kill you." With those words, the claws on the mechanical arm released Max's neck and dropped him. Adrian winced at Electro coughing and Mac began to laugh. Kraven and Aleksi, however, did not flinch. They all found it amusing to see that douche bag get what he deserves.
Otto turned to them. "Anyone else feel like disobeying orders?" They all smiled and shook their heads. "That's more like it... You know what to do. Sweep the city. Wreak havoc until you find Connors. If police try to stop you, show them who's in charge. If the military try to stop you, show them what true service looks like. And if Parker shows up with his friends...put them out of their misery."
They all exited the warehouse and began their havoc. The Sinister Six ran the city now. No one could stop them. "I'm sorry, Peter..." Otto whispered to himself, pretending he was talking to his former friend. "This is my fault..." The silent whispers from the arms began to speak to him. "No," he responded. "I can do this. It's all necessary. Whatever happens, we'll go through this to the end. No matter what...Kurt Connors will die..."
Max was angry at how Otto humiliated him, he wouldn't let this happen to him again... He began to plan against him.
He began to plan revenge.

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