"Nat!" Both of them scream as soon as they saw my face. "We miss you so much," Cora said. Victoria nodded and smiled. Oh gosh. I miss them so much.

"I miss you too," I said. "How are you guys? Without me to take care of you guys, I hope you're fine," I giggled.

Both of them laughed. "We're fine, nanny Nat. How are you?" Victoria said between her laughed.

"As you can see, I'm fine," I said and smiled.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Cora asked.

I smiled. "I have a lot that I want to talk about. So many things had happened," I said excitedly. First, I told them about I'm actually adopted. This time, I didn't cry. I must be strong. I told them how I know that I'm adopted, fly back to New York, runaway from home and fly back to London. Everything. Without missing any point. Once I finished told them, they looked at me with that sympathize face. They looks shocked too. I chuckle seeing their face.

Second, I told them about the school and everything. Dorm, roommate, mixed gender in one building, two different cafeteria, two different music room, school, class, studying, teachers, classmate and the competition I've joined. I also told them that the no one recognize me as one of the Space Note's member. I told them about what Mr. Inchighas told me about his daughter. I told them about what Jacob said about Space Note disbanding announcement. I told them that there were some people who knows about Space Note.

Third, I told them about my new friends, Alice, Jacob, Andrew and many more. I told them how good and kind Alice is. I told them that Alice and Andrew were dating. I told them a lot about Jacob. That Jacob was my desk mate, how Jacob comfort me when I was down, how I got into a fight with Jacob, the day I spent with Jacob. I told them how Jacob really care about me.

"I think, Jacob likes you," Cora said after I finished told them about Jacob. Hearing that makes me smile like an idiot.

Lastly, I told them about the contest.

"Guys, I have something important that I want to discuss with you guys," their face expression changed to serious once they heard I said that.

"What is it?" Victoria asked. Full with curiosity.

"This," I showed them the poster.

"I can't read, you idiot. Type it," Cora said. Victoria chuckled.

I type the website and send it to them.

"Music contest?" Both of them looked at me.

"Yes," I nodded.

"So? Do you want to join it?" Cora asked me.

"Not me. But we. Look at the first place prize, a chance to record our won songs and release an album! This is our chance for Space Note to make a comeback!" I said happily. Both of them stared at me weirdly.

"Nat, are you okay?" Victoria asked me.

"Of course I'm okay! So how? Do you want to join it?" I asked them.

"You want us to go to London?!" Victoria said. I nodded.

"Are you out of your mind? How about school? The most important, where are we going to stay?!" Cora looked at me. She looks mad.

"Don't worry about where to stay. My family have a villa there. What school? It's holiday session, you idiot, " Victoria calmly telling us.

"Really?" Cora asked Victoria.

"Yes," Victoria laughed.

"Hello, are you forgetting me?" I said when they abandoned me. Both of them looked at me and grinned.

"Of course not," both of them laughed.

Then suddenly my shoulder being pat. I quickly turned around and sigh a relief. It's the librarian.

"We'll be closed in 10 minutes," she said. I nodded.

"Guys, think about it. Text me when you're free so we could have another conversation. I need to go. I'm begging, please," I looked at them simultaneously. They looked at me too. They seem sad. Maybe because I have to end the conversation. "Bye," I said before I log out.

Natalie456_Osback disconnected.


So tell me how is it? Is it okay or not?

AYG Entertainment, the venue, the website and the phone number is not exist! I create it.

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