Part 23- Steam Release.

Start from the beginning

"Yes, and I'm sorry mummy, I really am" she sobbed.

"It's know I've always wanted to be a grandma anyways" she joked whilst tears flowed down their eyes, but it's okay if the stupid acetone didn't let it at that time, we'll get there someday, okay?"

"Okay" she nodded as her mother wiped off her tears.

"And that jerk—Jeremih who abandoned you...remind me to shove a medal for the 'World's biggest coward of the century' down his Black behind the next time I see him!" she said and Maldives laughed, "Okay momma... so you—you forgive me?"

"Yeah, yeah of course" she said as she hugged her tightly and kissed her on the head. "'s not like I have a choice anyway, you're the only family I have"

"Yeah, and you're stuck with me forever"


Saturday came, and while Maldives and her mother were still feeling emotionally spent from the deep conversations they had the previous night, they decided doing a little shopping for home supplies on the streets of NewYork could help in relieving some of the stress.

They bought nothing major, except replacements for her currently old door mats, broom sticks, cleaning equipment, bed sheets and a new wall clock, " need one in the living room for each time you decide to stay up watching Money Heist, forgetting it's Monday the next day!" her mother had said during their debate on whether or not she needed another wall clock.

The rest of their weekend went by pretty much the same way, mostly with both of them just chit-chatting and catching up on things. By Sunday afternoon, Maldives had already been seeing her mother off at the airport, bidding her farewell on her flight back to Boston.

"Be sure not to take so long before paying a visit to your old lady, okay?" Margaret playfully stated as she made her way to the departure lane

"And since when do you finally admit to being an old lady?" asked Maldives with a raised brow.

"Don't get ahead of yourself young lady, your mother is still a babe, you hear me? A young and beautiful babe!"

"Uh-huh of course" she rolled her eyes at her mother's antics.

"What? Don't give me that face! Forty-two never looked this hot!" boasted Margaret as she did a little twirl for her.

"That's right, you are the sexiest mother, I am not even joking! Alright, I hope you have a safe flight, and please send my regards to aunt Natalie"

"I sure will...also send mine to Brenda, and that boy—Christian" she added before clearing her throat.

"Mummy, Christian, is a man not a boy... And he's my best friend momma, I can't believe you've still not changed your feelings about him—my best friend momma, he's my best friend!"

"Honey, I don't hate him, I just don't—you know—love the fact the fact that he'd rather share a bed with someone of the same—sexual attributes"

"Right, you don't like him for being gay, but him being gay doesn't hurt you in any way mum"

"It's against the bible" she whispered dramatically.

"Mum, there are lots of things we all do today that is against the bible, being gay or belonging to the LGBT community, certainly isn't the worst sin in the eyes of God, if anything, hating is the worst"

"Listen, girl, I am not going to argue with you right now, just say hello to everyone for me—including him of course" she concluded before hugging her and kissing her goodbye.

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