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We're all sitting on Twitter,really excited. There's a possibility of Lili and Cami getting nominated because Lili was in "Chemical Hearts" and Cami was in "Palm Springs. "There out," Cami screams and I start scrolling to the actress nominees. "CAMI YOUR UP FOR OUTSTANDING COMEDY ACTRESS," I scream. We're freaking out until I scroll down a bit further. "LILI IS UP FOR OUTSTANDING DRAMA ACTRESS," I scream again. We're all screaming and crying. We're just so happy. "And Millie is up for outstanding actress in a television series," I say.

"I'm texting the some of the cast to come over for a party," Lili says " We need to celebrate."

Within 30 minutes everyone has arrived. There's Kj, Cole, Charles, Jordan, Drew and Casey. Kj comes in carrying pizza boxes. "OMG Thanks Kj," I say stuffing a slice in my mouth. I go into the living room where everyone's talking. They seem to want to have a drink as adults. "I'll be upstairs everyone, I need to call Millie and I probably watch a movie," I say. They all nod. "Me or Cole will come up after a while," Lili tells me

I call Millie who is still over the moon. We chat for ages and then she says she really tied so I say I'll talk to her in the morning. I grab my TV remote. It takes me a while to choose something to watch. I love rewatching my favorites so I decide on "Work it" on Netflix because Sabrina Carpenter is one of my favorite actresses. About halfway through I hear a knock on the door. "I was sent because I'm the only one not drinking," Casey says opening the door. "Come in," I laugh. He looks around admiring the room and them sits down on my bed. "It's Sabrina, she's so nice," Casey says. "YOU KNOW HER," I say freaking out. He promises to let me meet her. I then go downstairs with Casey to take some pictures. Their not as bad as I thought. Kj and Charles are a bit drunk but everyone else is ok. I take a picture of Kj, Charles and Cami and then head back upstairs to finish my movie. It finishes at 12:30. I assumed the party would die down but doesn't sound like it. I scroll through YouTube and watch my favorite YouTuber , Sophdoeslife. I get tired and text Lili and Cole telling them I'm going to sleep. Then I just fall straight to sleep.......

This chapters a bit short 😂 I'm gonna try something different for the next chapter, an Instagram post. I have a few things planned where I have the pictures to match, so I'd write the chapter and then the picture would be the next chapter 🤗🤗🤗what does everyone think?☺️❤️❤️❤️

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