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I woke up at 9am very excited for the premiere. A lot of my favorite scenes I filmed and seen being filmed are in the first episode. I got out of bed and put on a "where's my Hardin Scott" hoodie on a walk into the kitchen. As I walked in I could see Cole cooking something and Lili sitting at the table. "How are you this fine premiere morning," Cole laughs as I walk over and give him a hug. "Ahhh I'm so excited," I say. Cole hands me a pancake stack with Nutella and strawberries. "Thanks," I say and go and sit down beside Lili. "Its gonna be amazing," Lili shrieks.

We're going to Mads at 6pm. I realize at 3pm that I don't know what I'm wearing. Lili and I settle on a retro "Spice Girls" T-shirt, mom jeans and Red high top converse. I do a full face of Florence By Mills makeup that I'm obsessed with. I walk down the stairs at 5:55 just before we leave. Cole turns around to look at me. "Our babygirl be looking beautiful," Cole shouts to Lili who is putting her shoes on in the kitchen. I give Cole a hug and he kisses the top of my head. "I'm nervous," I say quietly. "Don't be, we all love you so forget everyone else," he says. "YOU LOOK AMAZING," Lili says loudly. "Thanks lils," I laugh.

We finally get to Madeleine's house. She greets us at the door and mouths "love it" to me, gesturing to my outfit. We enter the living room where everyone is as we were the last ones to arrive. Kj, Cami, Charles, Casey and Vanessa are here. As I sit down with Cami and Lili and Tommy walks into the room. "Hey," I jump of from my seat and he gives me a kiss. "I missed you," he says. That's when Mads walks in. She grabs the remote and turns on the CW. The show is starting. Everyone had their phone near them because the fans love it when we live tweet. About 2 minutes in I saw one of my scenes with Cole and Lili. I expected myself to be embarrassed but it was really good. Then there a scene with Tommy and I. Then I hear Kj scream "I SHIP IT," we're all laughing. Then it comes to the commercial break. I decide to live tweet "#Tiara" "can't wait for the drama" and " Choni are endgame, change my mind"

Just before it starts again we change seats so all the girls are on one couch, the boys on the other. Madeleine comes in with a glass of champagne for us (mine non alcoholic). Then it starts. There are some beautiful Choni scenes and some nice varchie ones too.

We partied for the night. Tommy tells me he's in a relationship with Trinity Linkins. I'm super happy for them. I decide to go and see the girls. "How are you Soph,"'Cami asks. "I'm fine but there is something I need to tell you," I say. "Go ahead Sophie," Cami says. "I'm bisexual," I say quickly. They all look shocked and surprised "We're so happy for you," Lili says with tears in her eyes and all four of us hug. "I'm not telling the boys yet," I say. They all nod.

We're still at Madeleine's and it's 1 am. Everyone's a bit tipsy except Cole because he's driving Lili and I home. It was so nice looking at everyone's reactions to the episode. Everyone is so kind. Then we all realize that we have a day off again tomorrow and everyone's happy. We get home at 3 am I I fall straight to sleep.
What do we think? I have someone I want to make Sophie's love interest Comment if your enjoying like even just a heart emoji 💛💛I'll update soon xxxxxx

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