2.36 Wilson

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1946: Before school

"What a wonderful morning it is, Mrs. Briggs!"

"Ah yes, you are right!" Mrs. Briggs exclaimed in response, clutching her binders against her chest. "It's nice to see you again this year, Mr. Stevenson," she timidly added as her cheeks reddened.

"I will be here every year, Mrs. Briggs. I'm not planning to leave Willesden anytime soon," Mr. Stevenson replied, winking at her. He chuckled as Mrs. Briggs' jaw dropped to the floor and her binders clattered with it, before waving her farewell.

Wilson swivelled his head and his grinning face fell the moment he walked away from Mrs. Briggs. He rolled his eyes as he rushed past the gray corridors of Willesden, who were watching him intently. Wilson noticed a figure in his peripheral vision and tilted his head, a grin spreading across his face once more.

"What a wonderful morning it is, Coach McGurdy!"

Coach McGurdy jumped up with surprise and her features lit up when she met his gaze. "Y-Yes, Mr. Stevenson, it is. I-I'm glad to spend another year with you," she stammered, blushing intensely.

"I agree, McGurdy," he said, flashing a pearl-white smile. Wilson trodded past her, his brownish-blondish hair swirling amongst the wind he created. His forced grinning face fell the moment he walked away.

"What a wonderful morning it is, indeed," he murmured to himself, his lips curving into a playful smirk. Wilson peered down at his glowing palm and hastily stirred the air with it as he walked through the empty hallways. A dark purple flare erupted from the mark and he eagerly slapped it with his free hand, causing the flare to burst.

The sparks fell onto the ground beside him, flickering and hissing like a hearth. The sparks rose from the ground and transformed into a shadow. It was a human-like shadow, with limbs and a blackened face, that could swivel and trod. He stood like a piece of the night as if someone had cut carefully around him and peeled him away, leaving only blackness behind.

"Hello, there," Wilson said smugly, as the newborn shadow wobbled around. "You will be my new pet... or friend if that helps you sleep at night. Follow me and do as I say, Shadow."

The Shadow timidly nodded and straightened its hunched back. It trailed after Wilson as he turned the corner and approached his homeroom classroom. Room 110.

Wilson heaved a sigh of relief and joy, as he unbuttoned his beige trench coat and hung it around the wooden coat rack. Wilson eagerly unzipped his briefcase, enjoying and indulging himself within the posh and prim lifestyle of the '40s. From his briefcase, he pulled out his necessary paperwork and binders. Resting at the bottom was the new green journal he bought from a second-hand market. Wilson tossed the other items onto his desk and pulled the journal out like a child receiving his first Christmas present.

Wilson swept his palms over the cover and was very much enjoying himself until the Shadow tapped his shoulder. Wilson turned to where the Shadow was pointing and widened his eyes that were raked with annoyance.

"Oh, God," he groaned, grinding his teeth.

"That saying is quite an insult to Satan, is it not? However, I believe there is no Satan because I have met the Devil. Many people believe that Satan and the Devil are interchangeable or one entity, when they are not, at least from my experience. The Devil can turn me into a witch, that's the difference. But what do I know of Satan and the Devil? I know little, just like you. I simply believe that there is no Satan and only the Devil, who is perhaps the same to some but truly are different. That begs the question, where does God fit in all this? I am a Pagan witch, and I know many things, but this I do not know, for I worship many Gods and Goddesses.

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