1.14 Barbara

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September 10, 1946: Homeroom

Barbara dreaded coming to school today, especially after such a long and relaxing weekend. She didn't enjoy most of the classes she had, except for science and homeroom, since she has those with Olivia. Olivia was truly the only reason she got out of bed every morning and why she was currently trudging towards her homeroom class.

Barbara stood outside Mr. Stevenson's homeroom, clutching her binders and notebooks close to her body. She caught eyes with one of the students entering the classroom and quickly looked down at her feet, shyly. Anxiousness suddenly formed within her as she impatiently waited for Olivia's squad to arrive.

Barbara continued to look down at her feet in embarrassment as the students stared at her strangely, wondering why she wasn't entering. It was a rule amongst the members of Olivia's squad to never enter a classroom without Olivia stepping in first. Barbara didn't even want to imagine Olivia's reaction if she found out that Barbara walked into a classroom before her.

Finally, after a couple more extensive minutes of waiting, Olivia arrived. She led the group of girls, posing with her petite hands wrapped around her signature pink lipstick. Before Olivia stepped through the doorway, she paused and glanced over her shoulder.

"Why, where the hell were you?" Olivia asked snootily, noticing Barbara for once about something that didn't involve homework.

Barbara looked at Olivia with a perplexed expression. "H-Huh? Oh, I-I'm sorry. I-I thought we were supposed to m-meet here," Barbara quietly spoke, her brown eyes glittering with apprehensiveness. Her heart pounded rapidly against her chest as Olivia gave her a glare that Barbara was too familiar with.

Olivia rolled her eyes and tossed her hair over her shoulder. "You've been a part of this squad for, like, half a year now. You should know the routine by now, you pudgy dolt," Olivia stared at Barbara, waiting for a response and realization. The only thing Barbara could think about was the hurtful insult Olivia said, although she was quite used to it.

When nothing came out of Barbara's mouth, Olivia exhaled deeply, acting as if she didn't want to waste any more time with Barbara. "Oh, dear. Remember? We're supposed to meet in the powder room, why, every morning and, why, fix each other's hair," she brazenly said, rolling her eyes and placing both hands on her slim hips.

Barbara widened her eyes as her cheeks flushed scarlet red with embarrassment. "O-Oh, I forgot. I deeply apologize," she hurriedly replied, her hands fidgeting with nervousness. "It's just that we usually-"

"Is that my homework?" Olivia interrupted acrimoniously, abruptly snatching one of the notebooks from Barbara's clutch.

"Y-Yes..." Barbara mumbled, watching as Olivia roughly flipped through the pages she spent so much time working on over the weekend.

Olivia didn't comment any further, refusing to utter a thank you. Instead, she huffed with annoyance as she flipped her hair over her shoulder and strutted inside the classroom. The rest of the girls in her squad that stood behind her gave Barbara a look of alienation, then proceeded to follow Olivia.

Barbara frowned and hid her face with her books, something she often did when feeling antsy. She waited for all the girls to walk through the doorway, then Barbara slowly shuffled after them. Unfortunately, she bumped into Jessica on her way through the door. "I-I'm so sorry!" Barbara frantically apologized, bending down to pick up her books that fell on the floor.

Jessica gave her a pitiful look. "It's fine, Barbara," she softly spoke, not wanting Olivia to hear her talking to Barbara. Jessica kneeled beside Barbara and assisted in collecting her notebooks. 

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