1.7 Yuta

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September 5, 1946: Homeroom

Yuta was beginning to get used to his classes and teachers, although navigating the school building was still difficult to handle. His day was a constant routine, with the same drab teachers, minus Mr. Stevenson, and the same boring classes. Although, there were times of the day that he enjoyed, for specific reasons.

He enjoyed homeroom because he was with Carter and his favourite teacher. Then gym class because he was also with Carter and lunch because he sat with Carter. Swim practice was also fun yesterday because he was with Carter.

So far, his only friend was Carter.

Yuta sat in his seat for homeroom, giddy on the inside but careful not to show it on the outside. His dark narrow eyes glazed around the classroom, waiting for Carter to enter. There were some students already sitting in the room when Yuta arrived, like Jimmy for example. He gave the boy an awkward wave as he sat down. The next group of people who entered were the Pink Girls. Yuta didn't know their names, and he didn't care. He continued staring at the door, eagerly waiting for Carter.

They have gotten to know each other better over the past two days. Yuta learned that Carter was in the swim team since freshman year and that he was the first junior to become captain of the team. In his sophomore year, he earned a silver medal at the regional swimming race. That was a fascinating achievement for Yuta.

Yuta told Carter a lot more about himself than he expected. Although he tended to be closed off when talking about himself, Carter was easy to talk to. He listened with his big silver eyes and nodded his head, soaking in every word and responding accordingly. It felt comforting since no one ever talked to him like that before. Perhaps one day he would feel comfortable enough to tell him the true reason as to why he transferred schools.

Although, when conversing with Carter, Yuta had to constantly remind himself to be wary of the words that left his mouth. His mischievous friend could perhaps bring out the secret he stored deep within him, and Yuta had no intention of revealing it. Not only would Carter think he was entwined in the foolish fantasies of a child, but he would also be deemed as an outcast, even more than he already was.

Finally, Carter walked into their homeroom class. Yuta instantly jumped up from his slumped position and waved at the silver-haired boy. Carter waved back, with a beaming smile. Once Carter sat down at his desk to the left of Yuta and settled down, they both turned around to face each other.

"So, what did you make of swimming practice yesterday?" Carter asked, giddily.

Yuta grinned, although the delirious happiness he was feeling didn't match his forced blank eyes. "It was splendid! I had such a whoopee."

"What do you make of the team?" Carter asked as he swiped his gray bangs off his forehead to see Yuta clearly.

"Your team is quite killer-diller!" Yuta replied, unsure of what else to say. He flushed embarrassedly as Carter's eyes burned into his, caught off guard by the boy's short response. Although what he said was true, because to Yuta the swim team was the best thing he experienced at Willesden so far, besides befriending Carter.

At first, Yuta wondered if he should be scared of the water. All the doubts that flooded his mind instantly stopped when he jumped in the air and time froze. He felt pumped and more alive than he had ever thought possible. All the mundane worries of his life had been muted and all there was to think about was that moment. No worrying about the past and no anxiety about the future. His usually bleak eyes swiftly popped out of its sockets and sparkled, thrilled to be alive. With one adrenaline-fueled warrior-yell, he remembered leaping into the glassy pool with nothing but air beneath his feet.

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