1.15 Jessica

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September 10, 1946: Lunch

"Good job, Olivia. You told Mr. Stevenson our meetings will be on Wednesdays. But of course, we'll be meeting every day other than Wednesday to discuss the..." Josh hesitated before continuing, glancing at the other girls around the table who were pretending to not listen. "... paranormal activity," he whispered, nodding his head towards both Olivia and Jessica. Jessica bit her lip, digesting the new information. Beside her, Olivia grinned, happy that she had achieved Josh's approval.

On Friday, the day of their first after school meeting, Mr. Stevenson absentmindedly entered his classroom and found a group of students participating in a 'club activity' unsupervised. Thus, being the kind man he is, he decided to join the students and help out. Little did he know, they were solving a bigger mystery compared to the lack of leadership at Willesden. After the meeting was over, the group huddled outside and quickly thought of a plan to get rid of Mr. Stevenson without being impolite to their favourite teacher. Josh suggested the idea that Olivia should inform him they'll be holding a meeting every Wednesday when in reality they'll be discussing the paranormal mystery on any other day except Wednesday. They will still come to the leadership meetings on Wednesdays and put on a facade, to prevent upsetting Mr. Stevenson.

Olivia succeded in her job, for once. Jessica had to give her some acknowledgement for that. Jessica was feeling quite generous today, so she decided to congratulate Olivia. As Jessica turned around to face Olivia, her eyes widened in horror as she watched Olivia place herself all over Josh. Josh grimaced uncomfortably as Olivia travelled her arms over his chest affectionately and Jessica recoiled in disgust.

"Oh, my beloved sweetheart. I'll do anything for you, you know that," she flattered Josh, batting her heavy eyelashes prettily.

Josh flinched. "Olivia... please, not here," he muttered through choked words.

Jessica cleared her throat, interrupting the lovers' sweet talk. "Olivia... I just remembered... um, I forgot my textbook in one of my classes. I'm going to grab that and return in a jiffy," Jessica informed, standing up to leave before she vomited all over the table.

Olivia didn't even glance her way as she was too enthralled with Josh. "Whatever," she mumbled, leaning towards Josh for a revolting smooch. "You're so adorable, Joshie."

When Jessica rushed by the couple, Josh threw her an 'I wish I could be you right now' look. Jessica grinned and stuck her tongue out at the boy, not feeling pitiful at all. She reasoned that it was Josh's fault for asking Olivia out at the end of sophomore year and that he should've seen it coming. He may be my friend, but he's also a jerk who deserves someone as repulsive as Olivia.

As Jessica made her way through the crowded cafeteria, she wondered where Barbara went. A couple of minutes prior, Barbara was forced to leave the group so Josh could join their table. On the inside, Jessica felt deeply sorry for the poor girl. However, since she was completely taken aback by her encounter with Barbara earlier, she decided not to show her any remorse. How could anyone think of Olivia as a great friend?

Olivia was Jessica's first friend because they used to live across the street when they were kids, but Jessica never considered her as a friend, even back then. For as long as Jessica could remember, Olivia had always been the way she was. A fake friend.

After she thought intensively about it, she realized that her first true friend was Yuta, although they only recently became friends. It was truly shocking, how long she went without someone to easily confide in and genuinely laugh with.

Suddenly, as if he could read her mind, she crossed paths with the alluring boy, by bumping into him on her way out.

"Oh my!" she exclaimed, looking up at the handsome young man.

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