The early ceremony

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Y/N's POV: They drove me for about 30 minutes to a huge mansion in the woods. They helped me out of the car and told me this is where I would be staying, a young girl a little older than me greeted me at the door, she showed me to my room. She was going to be like my bodyguard/servant for life, she was even going to come with me when I got traded. She told me her name was Lilith, she handed me a dress to wear to a dinner. I asked her what she was talking about, she told me that the process was pretty long and tonight was the first dinner.

Five's POV: We saw the woman walk out of the mansion, she was on the phone with someone. She looked familiar, I now remembered seeing her when I worked for the commission. She was a good friend of the handler, she donated lots of weapons to the commission.

Alison's POV: Five was zoned out while me and Vanya were talking. We had to know why they took her and how we were going to get her back. The lady was in the courtyard talking to someone on the phone. Five interrupted our talking saying that the lady used to be a good friend of the handler.

Y/N's POV: I tried to communicate with Five using one of my new powers, I tried earlier but it didn't work. This time it worked I could hear Five try to respond back. 

Five's POV: All of a sudden Y/N started to communicate with me, she told me about some trade and a dinner, I tried to communicate back but I lost connection. I told Vanya and Alison about what Y/N had told me. We called the dudes to come to meet us. When they got here, Diego pulled out a computer. He tracked the phone number of the lady and monitored the call. We heard them talking about "the deal". We heard about a big banquet that was going to start in an hour. We decided we were going to sneak in and try to rescue her.

Y/N's POV: Lilith came into the room and told me that they were doing the ceremony today. She helped me do my hair, makeup, and then put on my dress and veil-

Five's POV: We got dressed in fancy outfits and went inside the gates and entered the house. We saw a ceremony set up like a wedding. We tried to find Y/N. All of a sudden they asked anyone to please sit. We then saw Y/N walking down the aisle. She looked stunning. I felt my heart melt as I saw tears running down her face. I had to think quick.

Y/N's POV: I was crying as I walked down the aide. I saw Five, Alison, Vanya, Klaus, Luther, and Diego all in the crowd, you could see the worry in their eyes. I had to do this, they threatened to kill them if I didn't. I really cared about them, I would do anything if it meant they still lived.

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