The kiss

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Five's POV: We all surrounded Y/N's bed worried and not knowing what to do. Klaus ran somewhere and came back with a bucket of water, he splashed it on Y/N in hopes that it would wake her up. Obviously it didn't. We remembered that the note said that a true loves kiss could work. Everyone looked at me, I wasn't ready yet to know if I was her true love, but I really wanted to save her. I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Nothing happened, I felt my heart sink down to my stomach. Everyone looked at my and saw me blocking tears from filling my eyes. They all hugged me, we checked her pulse to see if she even still had one, she did. Alison assured me that they weren't for sure that the kiss would work, that made me feel a little better.

Alison's POV: I hugged Five, I could tell he was hurt. We stayed with Y/N as everyone else went to clean up and finish the party a little early. We stayed there for a while talking to Y/N even though she couldn't hear us. Five fell asleep next to her. A few hours later he woke up from a nightmare and checked her pulse, it's gone- he said with a worried expression. We told everyone as we rushed her to the hospital. We took her in and they eventually got her to breathe again, but she still didn't wake up. The doctors tried everything, when they tried some type of injection it woke her up. She looked confused, the doctors told us she had amnesia. Five started to freak out, he was scared she would never go back to normal. When we went into the room she remembered everyone but Five, but she only remembered us when we where 15. We explained to her that we are now 30. She was mad at herself for not knowing, I comforted her, Five tried to comfort her too, but she just pushed him away confused.

Y/N's POV: Alison, Klaus, Luther, Diego, and Vanya were all now 30. Alison hugged me and so did this boy, I pushed him away. He seemed familiar but not familiar enough. He looked sad. I whispered to Alison to ask her who that was, she told me it was my boyfriend. I was shocked, I still didn't trust him enough.

Five's POV: I had an idea, I asked Alison if she could use her power to give back Y/N's memory of me. She said that she would try, but Y/N was so mentally fit it might not work. She tried and Y/N questioned Five? before blacking out. A few minutes later the doctors came in and told us she was just tired, I knew it had something to do with Alison's powers. We got to take her home, when we finally got home we laid her on her bed and I started to sing to her, and she slowly started to sing back-

I kept singing, when we where done she woke up and said she kinda remembered a bit about me now, that I really was Five. She only remembered me until I disappeared. It wasn't all the way but baby steps.

Omg sorry I haven't updated my Queens/Kings I will be updating more it's just school got a new schedule so I still have to accommodate more coming soon, so bye for now

-The Author 

You are my fiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora