The kidnapping of Five

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Y/N's POV: I was tired so I went to bed after watching another movie. In the morning Five came over to my house. He seemed stressed, I asked him if he was alright. He told me that yesterday he overheard River talking to the queen on the phone at quick food. I looked inside his brain and saw that he was telling the truth. He told me about how he was just using me to get to Camila. I was furious, I ran to my room and texted River telling him that he can have Camila and that this relationship was over. I was crying on my bed when Five walked in. He came in and hugged me, he told me that River didn't deserve me. He ended up leaving to go take care of something.

Five's POV: I saw how sad Y/an was, it made me mad. I told her I had to go take care of something, I went to River's house and Camila was already there. All of a sudden some people injected me with something and I blacked out.

Y/N's POV: Five wasn't answering his phone, he always answers his phone I started to get worried. I called Vanya and she stuttered saying he went to River's house. I suddenly had a vision of Five being kidnapped by the queen's soldiers. I rushed to were they were keeping him (the vision told me where he was). I broke him out and he said that they told him about about a duel with River. I couldn't let him fight River, the truth was that he had powers too. Powers so strong that he could beat all of the Hargreeves combined. He said that if he didn't do it they would kill me. I pushed him into a closet and locked him in. I had to duel for him. I went to find the queen and tell her that I was going to take his place in the duel, she was ecstatic. They told me the rules and got me ready, they made me drink this thing. I didn't know but it had the blue poison in it.

Five's POV: I got out my phone and called Alison and Vanya, I told them were I was and everything. They got here with everyone else, it was to late by he time they came. The duel had already started.

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