Telling everyone but Five

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Y/N's POV: You couldn't believe you just told Vanya that you were pregnant! You couldn't get an abortion, the doctors said it wouldn't be safe since you just had one. Vanya assumed Five was the father but she still asked me if he was, I shook my head no.

Vanya's POV: I assumed Five was the father, but I still asked her, she shook her head no. I asked her who the father was, she replied saying her best friend Lucas. I was confused, I though he only liked guys. She told me that after she saw Five and Olivia making out she went to Lucas's house and they just started. She also told me Olivia was dating Lucas, but they had just broken up and agreed to be just friends.

Five's POV: You could tell everyone was worried then Vanya poked her head out the door and called Alison and Klaus. They went into the room.

Alison's POV: After a while Vanya called me and Klaus into the room. We went in and saw Y/N had just been crying, I asked her if something hurt. Vanya shook her head no, Y/N nodded at Vanya, she let out a sigh the told me and Klaus that Y/N was pregnant. She also explained the doctors said it wouldn't be safe for her to get another abortion. I asked her if Five was the father. I was expecting her to say yes, but she shook her head no.

Klaus's POV: I was worried and confused. After she told us Five wasn't the father we asked her who it was, she told us it was her best friend Lucas, she explained everything about her going to Lucas's house after she saw Five and Olivia and Olivia's break up with Lucas.

Y/N's POV: I asked them if I should tell Luther and Diego and they all told me they thought I should so we called them in and told them. I really didn't want to tell Five though. 

Five's POV : Alison poked her head out of the door and called for Luther and Diego. I wondered why Y/N wanted to see Luther and Diego before me. I started to get worried, they would never forgive me after this, I really messed up this time.

Diego's POV: Alison told us everything about Y/N being pregnant and who the father was and the story. Me and Luther were both shocked the father wasn't Five. They asked us not to tell Five and we agreed. We made a plan for Y/N to move in with Vanya and Vanya would help her take care of the baby.

Y/N's POV: When they all started to leave they told me they were going to get Five, I got so scared I blacked out.

Five's POV: When everyone finally left the room they told me that I could go in so I rushed into the room and Y/N was blacked out. I sat there and talked to her even though I knew she couldn't hear me or anything. I told her I was so sorry and that I understood if she didn't ever want to forgive me. I just started crying and stroking her cheek with my thumb. I-I love you- I stuttered. A little bit after she started to wake up when she did she asked- Five? Why did you kiss Olivia? I explained everything to her, when I was done explaining I gazed into her eyes deeply, I told her I loved her as our lips got closer together until they touched, we both blushed. 

Y/N's POV: Omg Five told me he loves me and now he is kissing me! I thought to myself, once we pulled away we gazed into each other's eyes blushing, then Alison came through the door and me and Five both stopped gazing.

Alison's POV: I was getting worried I hadn't heard them talk at all but I had heard Five sobbing so I decided to go into the room to see if he was ok, I was mad at him still, but he is still my brother. When I went into the room they were blushing and gazing at each other. I saw them stop gazing and look at me, I apologized if I was interrupting something but I just didn't hear any talking so I just wanted to check on them, we all kinda giggled, it was the first time I had heard Y/N giggle in a while. I left them alone.

Five's POV: Y/N looked a little unsettled, I asked her if everything was alright she shook her head no and handed me a piece of paper, I read it and I fainted in shock.

Y/N's POV: He fainted after reading the note I called them in to come help me wake him up when he woke up only Vanya stayed with us she had helped me write the note. He asked us why I had to move in with Vanya? I told him she was going to help me take care of the baby, he then told us that he really wanted us to stay at the academy and that Vanya could move in, we agreed and all hugged each other.

That was a pretty long one hope you guys enjoyed it, so bye for now

-The Author

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