"Well...uhm, I'm not new, I just haven't been here in a while. Things have changed since I was last here I just threw on the bracelet I had around the house really I'm not available. I had planned to pick up a new bracelet tonight." Rylie is thinking fast her head is spinning. The drinks she's had already are starting to affect her. She only had two, she can usually drink two cosmos without feeling the effects of it.

His hand is on the move rubbing against her hip pushing her against his crotch. She's thankful there's a drink in his other hand she can imagine where he might be trying to put it. She tilts what's left of her drink purposely forward spilling it between them. He jumps out of the way taking her with him to avoid the spill. Instead of letting her go she ends up pressed against him feeling the bulge in his pants.

"Whew lovely, you need another drink. Why don't we have one upstairs in private? He grabs her wrist holding on to it tightly he's walking them to the bar. He gets two more Champagne cosmos handing her one. She slowly sips it in front of him making him smile. At the bar there are candy dishes but instead of candy in them there are different flavor and color condoms. He reaches his hand into one grabbing a few showing them to her.

"Good girl, now come on, let's go get better acquainted. Nobody has come to claim you yet. He's dragging her through the room trying to rush them somewhere private.

They are now up the stairs. Rylie is looking around her she has no clue where she's at in the house, the drinks obviously have more alcohol in them than a normal drink. She sees a couple going into a room down the hall she recognizes the woman as Kayla. She starts to call her name jerking away from his hold but he tightens it and Kayla disappears into one of the rooms.

"Now hold on lovely, you're mine tonight. We don't need to invite anyone else to our party." He says pushing her up against the wall pressing his wet lips to her neck. Rylie closes her eyes and holds her hands against his chest feeling repulsed by his touch.

Chace heads to the bar to get himself a strong drink. Some customers of Braxton Holding's like to visit this place when they are in town so it's not his first visit. Its exclusivity of invitation as a weekly cocktail party gives the guests that frequent it unpublicized knowledge the women walking around showing off jewelry or cars are really here to do more than just model. The operation of it is legal and the place caters to the sexual proclivities of its guest from vanilla to BDSM. The models working the shows have been vetted to assure that they are not out to blackmail any of the wealthy guests, they work the parties and receive payment for the extra-curricular activities they do as tips.

Chace isn't a hypocrite about what goes on here he has been with a couple of the women that work the place. The women wear bracelets identifying their availability and the type of sexual activities they are into. Each woman's bracelet has a serial number on it. The customer's don't know her name unless she wants to tell it, they can only identify her at the mansion by her bracelet number.

Chace had planned to check out some of Jayson's hangouts to see if he would show up at any of them tonight but the client he was dealing with today wanted to stay over an extra night in town in order to come to the mansion. Having done business with the man for years he didn't want to turn him down, his client is going through his third divorce and wanted Chace to accompany him here so he could unwind.

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