The Forest chapter 44

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The coach is delayed by traffic, I really need to walk around. I ache all over from sitting too long. I've been so tired lately but it's funny how this time I can't sleep. I'm just so excited to see Aiden again. I'm only halfway there and it's already ten! I should call Aiden, no answer. I'll try Matt, maybe he's on his way and can't hear it.

"Matt it's Alice, I can't get hold of Aiden. I just wanted to let you know I'm going to be late. Maybe by thirty mins or an hour by the speed we are moving. Is everything OK?"

"It's fine, Aiden just left his phone at Mr Nankervis's house. He's gone back for it so just text him, he'll have it soon."

"Thanks for telling me, I'll see you eventually! Bye."

This is boring, I've read my book and we're barely moving. Finally at ten thirty I get a reply from Aiden. He says he'll meet me at the church which is halfway to Matt's. Maybe he wants to check up on the puppy he'd helped. He texted again that he'll carry my bag. I try to call instead but he doesn't answer. He texts that he's out of breath because he ran too much, he'll talk to me soon.

I get out my map, I always carry one when I'm outside London. It's only a short walk from the coach station. The driver announces we're arriving soon, finally! I check my stuff, I only have a backpack and handbag. I like to travel light, I have made an exception with hair stuff.

Not a hair dryer, but cream, gel and some really good conditioner. At least I know I'm mixed now so I'm not shy to go to the afro- Caribbean hair shop! I still haven't had a go at my mum about this. She never told me about my dad. Being a quarter Cameroonian is really cool.

Map in hand as I leave the coach, I can't wait to meet up with Aiden. It doesn't take long and I soon arrive at the church. I don't see Aiden he's not here yet. I'll just sit on the bench in the cemetery and wait. I doze off for a bit before I'm woken up by my phone ringing.



I ran all the way back to the house, it still took longer than ten minutes. I got a bit lost and went in a circle but I found the house eventually. I was just running blindly without looking where I was going. Fumbling with the keys, I go through the gate without shutting it.

In the house, I look everywhere, up stairs in my room, everywhere I've been since I unplugged it this morning but my phone's not here. I would call Matt from the home phone if I knew the number.

I haven't memorised any phone numbers yet, not realizing how important it was. Maybe I could contact him by the tree consciousness but there would be a delay. It was probably faster to walk back. At least Matt knew Alice's number so he could call her.

I make sure to lock up the house properly including the gate. Instead of walking straight to the B&B, I walk towards the bus station. Maybe I can pick up Alice on the way back.

When I ask about the coach at the information desk, the man tells me it only arrived ten minutes ago so Alice must be nearby. I can't sense her so I'll have to hurry and catch up. In the end I jog all the way back to Matt's place.

Inside, I look around but she's not here yet. I must have passed her somehow. I stand in the hallway catching my breath, what now?

"Did you find it Aiden?" Gramps gets up and taps my shoulder.

"Where's Alice?" I look at him then Matt. They look at me puzzled.

The Forest (Complete Unedited)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя