The Forest chapter 41

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I am so happy Alice isn't angry with me anymore. I get to chat with her and hold her, it's such a relief. It was like the time she left me in the forest all over again. She's asleep in my arms but I keep kissing her forehead. I gently tuck her hair behind her ear. I'm so lucky, she's the most beautiful woman I know. Even counting all the people I've seen since arriving in the city. I fell asleep, It's the most peaceful I've felt all week.

In the morning I get ready to go to my hospital appointment. It's with the counselor my doctor told me about. I'd spoken on the phone with the doctor just once but I had learnt so much. I hope I get on with this new person too. But I'm also going to begin my quest. That's the main reason I need to go alone. I've now learnt all the bus routes, I memorised the timetables. Just near the hospital and our house.

It feels strange to start so soon but now I would be going back, I wanted to visit my forest and tell them all that had happened. I know that I could have lived in the forest forever but was it really living? Despite what Alice thinks, she is the one who saved me. I never would have left the forest without her. My nightmare would have come true. My body was already damaged when I left, in a few more years who knows the state it would be in.

I told Alice I was leaving early, she knows to support me now. As I wave to her she seems distracted, if anything is still bothering her I hope she tells me before I go to Devon. I walk to the bus stop, checking I have everything I need. I have my appointment letter of course and the bus route maps. But I also have a small bag of acorns. I'm only going to plant around twenty today. There's no rush, it will take a few decades before they can join the network.

When I had joined the trees in the city I had noticed some areas with no oak trees at all. Other areas had no trees in them or a gap where it was too far for the roots to reach. I understood that some areas couldn't have trees on them but today I was just joining small gaps.

Matt had helped me pack the acorns in small bags with moss so they wouldn't dry out, I wonder how he's doing now? I was going to visit him too but after everything was sorted out with Mr Nankervis. Alice had spoken on the phone with Matt so she could stay at his B&B until Mr Nankervis was ready to see her.

The bus had arrived, so I showed my pass to the driver. It's the last day today to use this pass so I'll make the most of it. Mother had explained about the money here so I now understand how much it costs. I want to get my ID soon so I can register my marriage for the laws here and work to support my Alice. I hope Mr Nankervis doesn't change his mind.

After a few stops I get off and find the gap is in someone's garden. I'm about to climb the fence when I get a better idea. I find a rowan tree, it may be simple minded but I can link directly to this tree. I join the network, it feels strange to call it that. It's a word Alice explained to me, I can't think of a better one right now.

There are many small animals scurrying about. I reach out to them, their presence is too basic so it's hard to gain their attention. I put out the task I need to complete. Several creatures listen in. I'm hoping for a squirrel, but I hadn't seen any of the familiar red creatures nearby or even since coming out of my forest. Even there, they had long since disappeared.

Some grey creatures approach me, they are not the squirrels I know but seem to be a similar creature. They are larger and their ears are rounded instead of ending in a fluffy point. Maybe this is what city squirrels looked like before? I examine them closely and tap into the memories of the group consciousness. It seems they have also come recently, replacing the *red squirrels of my time. I'm sad for a moment, I hope they still survive somewhere.

This is how the world is, new and unusual but through the differences, I realised not all the changes are bad. These squirrels are larger and stronger so should be able to help. I explain what I want to the several squirrels who have carefully approached me. When they realise they can't eat the acorns most leave. I'm ready to give up but one remains unsure some distance away. This squirrel understands, but is cautious. I realise she is pregnant, she wants more nuts for her children.

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