The Forest chapter 4

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The week went by quickly. I went to work on Monday, Wednesday and now Friday. The dreams were longer and more vivid. I had proper visions too. Every reflection held an image. I didn't know whether I was going crazy, or it was something else.

But I had become calm and well rested, I had sleeping pills but I didn't need them. I think I just accepted it all now. Also work went well. I got into the flow of things, caught up and more. I knew what was going on and there were no confusing distractions.

I had seen the specialist and my doctor that Thursday and discussed it all. I explained that it all had started only a few months before. The doctor was convinced it was stress, already diagnosing me in her head.

Brian had been very sweet, looking after me at work. It was a bit obvious there was something going on. I decided to bring him to the lunchtime gossip group. But first we should talk about what he was going to say. I had already put Tracy off, asking for more time to spill the beans.

Actually we were becoming friends. I tried not to let on that he was friend zoned. I knocked on the door. Stepping into what seemed like my own movie. Brian smiled, looking up.

"Can we talk? It's nearly lunch and it would be nice if you joined everyone for a chat. I think you might as well come clean to everyone. Plus it's better if you tell everyone, instead of the weird rumours going round."

He looks surprised, he frowns "what rumours?"

He has been completely left out, poor guy.

"Look everyone knows who you are, kind of and before it gets twisted just tell everyone. Also you can say anything you want, as long as it is light-hearted. Don't take it seriously. I know you usually eat lunch in the office but the sun is shining. Fresh air will be good for you."

He is easier to talk to now we've gotten closer. I continue trying to convince him.

"Also, I would like to talk to everyone too. I feel like a volcano, trying to hold back. So if you could meet me in the park in 30 minutes with your lunch. Nothing fancy. Don't show us poor people up."

I'm definitely too relaxed around him now, there is just no spark. He feels like a friend, even a brother. Annoying but supportive, it is not how I had imagined things even a month ago.

"Ok it's a date! Meet you at our bench by the big sycamore tree." Brian says and starts packing away.

He looks happy. I hope he doesn't misunderstand our relationship. He has been meeting and taking me home secretly after work. I'm so bad I hate myself. I look back, giving him a sad look as I leave. I can't say it again.

Tracy pulls me to the side.

"Today's the day I totally can't wait anymore. Plus you two are too cute, I mean come on." I give her a serious look.

"Okay, prepare to be surprised. I can't tell you first. It's more fun my way." My voice sounds confident.

Tracy looks at me like I grew a new head. "Who are you, where's my innocent Alice? I like it though!" She smiles and gives me a hug.

"Don't be too shocked." I wink and grab my purse.

We get in the queue for the salad bar. I take a spare container for Brian. Surprised at myself as I easily pick what he likes. We have gotten close, I suppose. Maybe in time I will feel differently. I know I told him to bring his own, but I don't think I should leave it to him. The blankets are laid out and everyone gathers. I stand up after helping set up.

"Where are you going Alice?" Tracy holds me back.

"I'm getting the surprise!" I answer quickly.

I speed walked down the path to where I'd told Brian to meet up. As expected he had a whole bunch of bags. I sigh and have a look. Nope too fancy, ok maybe he can share some.

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