The Forest chapter 32

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At the last minute I had made an excuse. The thought of seeing Alice with that homeless man, made me feel so angry. So I didn't go with my uncle to pick them up. I didn't want to be the third wheel.

There was something about Alice, I couldn't move on. At least we had some news to take my mind off her. The police had previously found a possible suspect for my brothers murder but had suddenly got some new evidence. The case had suddenly turned in a new direction.

They'd suspected a local loan shark as he had possession of Sam's guitar. Now they'd found the murder weapon.

I know it was a long time ago but I wanted to get my mind off Alice so I'd convinced my dad to reschedule the meeting with the witness. It would be interesting to talk to the person he'd last met. We had made the appointment for next week, after the DNA results were back.

I have to think about that, not Alice. But I'm at work and the appointment is not that close. I sigh, I can't help but look at Alice's desk. The poor temp in that seat realises I'm glaring at him and starts working harder. I miss her.



I'm so happy Alice is back in her old room. Those two love birds should have a serious talk though. I mean Alice is an adult but they aren't thinking things through.

The meeting at the police station has been rescheduled but I'm keeping it a secret. I'm going to surprise her.

Those two have already gone to bed but it's Saturday tomorrow so I'll let them off. I have to work tomorrow so I'll let them have time alone. After a week I'll make them pay rent and bills. I sound bad even to myself. But they have to see sense and work hard so they won't have a hard time later.



I grin at Aiden, this is the first time I've brought a boy home! He's definitely not a boy though. It's so exciting. We have to try the new bed out, we told mum we were going to bed early.

I will enjoy this time with Aiden because on Monday I am getting my job back. Whether they want me or not. They have forgotten my zero hour contract! It was in a box in the room. All my things from the flat had been sent to mum's house. I read through it and there is no end date. It's open.

Aiden can now speak two or three words at a time, making a real conversation possible without the trees in the middle.

"Aiden, I can get my job back!"

I hug him, I'm so excited. I'd have to talk to Mr R but there is nothing in the contract about the sick notes. I start rummaging through the box for my work ID.

"What is jjoob?" I figure out what he's saying as he plays with the light switch.

"How light works?" I take his hand from the switch, I don't want the bulb to break.

"Magic?" He tries to reach for the switch again. I sigh and drag him to the bed to sit and talk before he asks me anything else.

"Ok Aiden I'll tell you about the light and then my job."

I suppose we never needed the light at Matt's place and in the hospital he was too shocked to notice. I think for a bit and remember the box of old books I'd told mum to keep for Aiden. I pulled it out the back of the cupboard and had a look.

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