The Forest chapter 3

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I got home and sat on my bed. Wow, it really wasn't me. I tried to run my fingers through my hair and failed. My hair is extremely curly and gets knotted in seconds. I shouldn't have expected anything. Gossip without proof means nothing.

I get into comfy clothes and start watching a movie on my mini tv. I scream in excitement at the kissing scene. I am only watching this for my favourite actor.

Sophie knocks on the wall. "Hey you made me spill my drink!" Oops. "Sorry, I'll be quiet."

My phone rings, the episode is finished anyway. They always finish at the good bit! Oh it's Brian?

"Hi Alice, um could we meet up tomorrow I'd like to talk to you about something. Is that ok?" What!!!! "Oh, ok is it important?" Dumb dumb stupid idiot it's not me right?

"Aahh well kind of, is six okay, I'll pick you up. It is that flat in New Cross right. You moved there last month. Um it's the address you had on the doctor's letter right, I'll call when I am outside. Um ok see you then bye."

My mouth is hanging open. He hung up some time ago. No it's not, right? I try to imagine dating Brian. Strangely something is off about this. He is a perfect guy and I am single, but I just can't put my finger on it. I feel too comfortable around him, there's just no attraction. If he asks I should say yes though, shouldn't I? I'm single after all and I've never had a boyfriend.

I make myself some soup. I should lose a bit of weight. I mean if I have to go to some fancy rich people party I should fit in the dress. I sigh looking down. One day won't do it, I need to stop eating junk. It's definitely not me. I'm not slim or that pretty. My hair frizzes and knots. And the other day I noticed white hairs. I'm only twenty six!

But why did he call? What did he mean? I brush my teeth and look in the mirror. Maybe I should try and borrow Sophie's hair straightener. I'll ask in the morning. Well there's no harm in trying. Time for bed. Should I take a sleeping pill? No I'm tired it's been a long day, I should be fine.



I'm running. The boys are catching up. I recognize them. They were watching me when dad and l brought the charcoal to the village. My dad got a couple of chickens with the trade. I had to look after them but it's getting late. I stub my toe. Looking down I jump over some roots. Trying not to trip. I keep going, panting. And now limping. I jump over a puddle seeing my reflection clearly in the full moon's brightness.


What! I sit up. Shocked is an understatement. When I spoke to the doctor he said it might be a traumatic memory. But if so it's not mine!

The face I saw was of a ten year old boy. With dead straight black hair. A thin face with large brown eyes. I have never had a thin face, I'm not a boy and well there would be half a tree in my frizz if it was me.

When I looked into his eyes I recognized him though? I felt a connection. Is it a past life? That would be cool. I look at the time. It's eight a.m., not bad. I managed to get decent sleep. I suppose I'm not scared anymore.

What was I doing today? I should go shopping. I am distracted by that face as I look in the mirror. For a second he looks back at me. I shake my head and get ready.

I take a couple bags and my backpack. Shopping list in my hand I manage to get most things I need. Then I remember yesterday! I yelp and drop my shopping. I forgot something that important. I checked the bags, luckily the eggs were in the backpack!

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