The Forest chapter 16

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I think the police will follow me. I must get back but which way did I come? I had been so distracted I hadn't noticed. I stood outside the door, frozen in thought. A storage shed, then a sheep field. Well that's a start. I try to run but my feet protest. It's been a while since I've had this much exercise, also the blisters on my feet don't help.

At the end of the field I stop again. I had definitely come from this edge. But it looks different now, from a different angle. I try to walk backwards but I trip and fall. I sit on the grass and cry.

I'm so annoyed with myself, why hadn't I believed anything. Anyone wouldn't, I mean talking trees and magic. Aiden I'm sorry. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Try again! I got up and guess, surely I walked in a straight line. I squint along my route and notice a faint path. Turning around towards Aiden's forest I see the path, carefully I follow it back. I'm quite hungry now, I've gotten used to being fed regularly. With healthy food too! I probably looked slim now, though I would have to look in a mirror.

It's getting dark when I reach the forest. It's real, I look at this place with happiness. I remember what Aiden told me. Ask the trees and they will help. The trees at the edge are too young. I walk through the trunks until they get larger. When I see the special fungus on the roots I know these trees are the doorway to the centre. I will not reach the centre unless I ask. They sleep at night so it may be too late but Aiden might feel it from here.

I need blood just a drip. I pull off the plaster on one of my scratches, this one is deep enough that it bleeds when I pick the scab. I drip it among the roots and on the bark.

"Your majesty, sorry to bother you so late. Could I get to the oak cathedral please. Here is a gift of my blood as my promise to do no harm. I'm not sure who my ancestors were but their blood runs through my veins. My surname means son of oak apparently so who knows? Thank you."

I wonder how it works? I'm hungry but I know better than to touch those fungi on the roots. I knew Aiden's story after all. I turn carefully and feel a pull in one direction. After a few minutes of walking, the interwoven branches of my cage greet me. The gap is still there and I squeeze through.

"Aiden?" It's quiet. A depressing atmosphere surrounds me. I wrap myself in the warm blanket on the mossy platform, and sleep on an empty stomach.



I had dealt with the small wounds, my fingers would take a few days. But the leg, how did I not notice that? I had set it straight and encased it separately in preparation to come out of this cage. I had only just realised that I was trapped. I couldn't follow Alice because of my fear. I must be a man and snap out of it as Alice would say. I miss her, it's too quiet.

I put a lot of effort into getting ready to get out, by tomorrow I'll be free. I've done too much and my energy is gone. It's early afternoon but I sleep. I dream of running with Alice, holding hands. Laughing happily as we enter a small cottage in the forest. A baby sleeps in a cot carved from oak. Meadow flowers are arranged in her hair. We raise pigs in the forest as my uncle did. We have a garden filled with fruit and vegetables. We keep a goat and some chickens. We sit talking happily together as she feeds our child.

I'm vaguely aware when blood drips on the doorway guardian. The ancient ones soothe me, there's no danger. I fall back into another dream. Our children play around us, five of them. Two girls and three boys. Alice is pregnant with our sixth. The eldest are cooking, the younger ones play with the baby while she rests. The dream starts to change, I'm trapped in a cage, being strangled by wood.

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