The Forest chapter 36

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I got a bit shocked when the doctor told me off. I even got the evil eye from Alice. I have this feeling of being taken advantage of. We just got this boy dumped on us, he's not our family. I only tolerate him for Alice's sake. He's all over Alice, I wouldn't be surprised if he grew up in some hippie commune. I watched him stick his hand in the earth, the tree hugger. Then we had to wait a couple hours until we could go home. And what did he do then, he just went to sleep! I mean poor Alice she looks exhausted doing all this work for him.

Sighing, I send her to bed while I check tomorrow's plan. I work in a large supermarket as a floor manager but it took many years to get where I am. I won't be taking any more days off! A promotion is in the air and I'm ready for it. I won't let Kate get it! She's been there four years but due to chance she's already a floor manager like me. Against that my eleven years overshadow her experience. She's my friend but it seems I'll be supporting one more person from now on.

I'll fill this application tonight. Tomorrow I'll tell Alice she's in charge at home. She needs to shape Aiden up. The doctor was right about one thing that boy tries very hard, he's quick to pick stuff up so I want to ease back. But once his full paperwork comes through those two better get legally married. I don't want her to have the same problems I did. I don't want to think about those two together but I'll support whoever Alice chooses.



I don't accept this. I've been tricked by fate. I'm sitting in my car after driving around for days. Just sleeping in my car, waking then driving to any petrol station and grabbing the odd sandwich. I have no idea what to do or where to go.

I kick the glove box in the car. All my odds and ends plus papers scatter around. I should pick them up. Actually I'm doing quite well if I think about it. I hadn't let on but I felt uncomfortable in cars since the accident, yet I'd continued to drive. It was better with this new car but I still had to do checks before I could get in.

I also took the car to get checked at a garage every week. I had a machine that checked the battery in the boot, plus I'd actually read the car manual. I always left the window open when I was in the car too. Not so fun on the motorway but it was alright on country drives.

I start to pick everything up, what should I do now? I should think about how brave Peter and Andy are. They followed their hearts. I can't believe I'm acting like some typical creepy uncle! I groan as I pick up an envelope from the floor.

I open it and see the retreat coupons. That's where I'll go, I can sort my thoughts out there. Thanks uncle Sydney! Now with a purpose I check the directions and where I am right now. Actually I'm quite close, I'll be there within an hour.



Mum had to take me to the police station again, she said I needed to talk to the police about my important things. We were taken to a room and we sat down inside. Mum left me there to see what was going on. I have not been in this room before.

I stand and touch the walls, one is made of glass. It's nice and cold and no one is here so I smile and lean against it. I roll my face side to side pressing against the glass.

I'm thirsty. I wonder if I can have a drink. I stay there and wait. There's a knock, my favourite police man comes in with another man.

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