Chapter 9

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Ezra POV

I put Aria's bag in the car trunk and spot Ella watching us on the window. We are quite far but it is obvious she is crying. I start to cry too and she waves at me sadly and I wave back. I wipe my tears quickly and go sit on the drivers seat.

"Maybe I should drive with my own car and then we don't have to share one?" Aria says after I get in.

"Sure. whatever you want." I say and she kisses me.

"Thank you." She says after we break apart.

"For what?" I ask already feeling better.

"Everything." She says and smiles. She steps out of the car and goes to hers. I start driving and reach my apartment. I see Aria park her car a few cars away from mine and she gets out of the car and comes to me.

"Hey darling." She says and kisses me lightly. "could you help me?" She asks trying to get the heavy bag out of the trunk. I help her and we go upstairs. we spend the afternoon cooking and being silly, when we hear a knock at the door.
Aria goes to open it while I cook on. I hear her try to shut the door as the person behind it holds it open. I walk up to the door to see who it is.

"Aria, please hear me out." I hear somebody say but I don't recognize the voice.

Aria's POV

"Okay then. come in." I say and make room for my uncle to come in. "Ezra, my uncle is here!" I yell.

"Sure, let me finish cooking and he can eat with us." He says and I smile at him.

"I'm Daniel. Daniel Montgomery." My uncle says to Ezra as I close the door. I point my hand to the couch for my uncle to sit and then I go to Ezra.

"Need any help?" I ask.

"Yea sure, can you make coffee?" He asks.

"Coffee?" I ask my uncle.

"Yea, I would love some thanks." My uncle says and I get out three mugs.

Daniel's POV
I'm sitting on the couch still trying to figure out the whole two years of my nieces life. She has been trough so much and now she moved out. I don't really know this man, Ezra I believe was his name, but I know he was her teacher. I am a therapist so maybe I could help them too.

"Usual or something different?" Aria's voice says pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Surprise me." Ezra says and smiles. Aria smiles back and kisses him softly. It's obvious they love each other but they can't keep this up. This is so complicated. I need to hear this from them. I get pulled out of my thoughts when coffee is placed in front of me and a plate on mac and cheese with lettuce salad. We all start eating.

"So I am very confused, I need to hear this from you. And maybe I can help you, you may know that I am a theraphist?" I said.

Aria's POV
"Where do we start? Alison or the bar?" I ask Ezra.

"Alison i guess?" He said.

"Sure. Well Ezra was at a club sitting on the couch and then a young girl started talking to him. Her name was Alison. They talked and most of what Alison said were lies. About her age, life and other stuff. When Ezra found out he started writing a book about Alison. Alison was one of my best friends. Then he came to Rosewood and met me at a bar called snookers, the same day I came back from Iceland. He knew who I was and he found a opportunity to make a name for himself." I said and stopped. Ezra was looking down tears threatening to fall. I continiued. "Few days later we found out he was my English teacher. We tried to cool off but we didn't succeed so we dated in secret. He fell in love with me and stopped writing the book and when I found out about it he gave me all his research and I burned it. Also he found out he had a son and we broke up again. Then he found out that his son wasn't his so we rebuilt our relationship and here we are." i said and took Ezra's hand.

"That is so messed up." my uncle said.

"Try to live it." Ezra said and I put my head on his shoulder.

"That only made me love you more." I said.

"Me too." He said. We finished eating and my uncle left.

"How did he even know where we were?" Ezra asks.

"I guess my mom asked him to talk to us." I say.

"Hmm.." Ezra says.

"It's already 8pm and I have school tomorrow." I said and looked down. "And I won't see you."

"It's my first day, they won't keep me long so I'll be here when you get home." He says. "maybe even early enough to pick you up."

"It feels so good to call this place home." I say.

"Our home." He says and grabs around my waste and starts kissing me passionately.
I wake up earlier than usual and remember yesterdays events. I smile to myself. Me and Ezra live together now, and I love it. Our home. I think Ezra is sleeping, not sure but his arms are wrapped around me tight but not too tight. A grip that feels safe and warm. I close my eyes and breath out heavily.

"Goodmorning." I hear Ezra say.

"Hey! How did you know I was awake?" I ask turning around.

"I don't know. You just felt awake." He says. I kiss him softly and stand up to pour Ezra cereal.

"Breakfast?" I ask.

"Sure." He says and I get out a bowl. I start pouring milk and then cereal when I feel a kiss on my neck and two hands hug me from behind.

"You don't want something to eat?" He asks me.

"Nope, I'll grab something at school." I say and hand him his cereal.

"Want me to drop you off to school?" He asks his mouth full of food.

"Sure, if you don't mind." I say as I put on clothes.

"Absolutely not." He says and I spot him looking at me as I put on clothes.

"Umm.. excuse me?" I say jokingly and he looks up from my butt.

"What?" He asks.

"You were looking at my body." I say and walk closer to him.

"Well it isn't my fault you look so perfect missy." He says.

"I look perfect?" I ask.

"You do." He says pointing at my body.

"Well I guess you're right then." I say and sit on his lap and start kissing him, still half naked.

"I'm gonna put on clothes now, and you wanted to take me to school so, you gotta do the same." I say after we break apart and go put on a shirt.

He stands up, put his empty bowl in the sink and put on some grey jeans and a white button up shirt. I grabbed the keys and my bag and we head to school.

"How do you think people will react?" I ask Ezra.

"I think we're gonna have to prove to a lot of people that we love each other. And that this didn't start when I was your teacher." He says.

"They're gonna think that anyway." I say.

"Yeah, probably." He says. We drive for about 10 minutes and then we reach my schools parking lot.

"Have a nice day." Ezra said.

"You too." I say and spot a few of my classmates watching me and Ezra.

"You know that there are people watching us right now." I say.

"Yea, I noticed and I don't care." He says.

"Me too." I say and move closer to him with our noses touching.

"I love you so much." I say.

"I love you more." He says.

"No I don't think so." I say and our lips touch, we kiss softly and our heads tilt in perfect sync.

"Pick me up at 3." I say after we break apart.

"Sure thing." He says and I get out of the car smiling to myself. I could feel the looks of the people on me but I don't care. I wave to Ezra as he drives away and I am still smiling and I can't stop. I am so happy but there is one thing I am not so happy about. I have to face my mom 1st period today.

Wrong but so right (An Ezria story)Where stories live. Discover now