Chapter 12

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We all decided to stay at Hanna's place. I called Ezra and he was okay with it. Hanna's mom was out so even Alison could stay.

"So Ali, do you know who A is?" Hanna said.

"No, the guy I payed to find them was a total bust." She said.

"We haven't got any texts." I said.

"Me neither." Ali said and the room was filled with silence.

"Lets play truth or dare." Emily said breaking the silence.

"Yeah!" We all said in unison.

"I'll start, Hanna truth or dare?" Spencer said.

"Dare." Hanna replied with a smile.

"Strip down to your underwear and lap dance Emily." Spencer said.

"Jerk!" Hanna yelled playfully and started taking off her clothes. We all wohooed and when Hanna finished it was Emily's turn.

"Emily, truth or dare?" Hanna asked.

"Truth." She said.

"Uhhhh I had such a good dare for you!" Hanna said and threw a pillow at Emily.

"Well I don't wanna be lap dancing Aria!" Emily yelled and threw the pillow back at Hanna.

"Fine, what is your biggest fear?" Hanna asked.

"Heartbreak." Emily said confidently, we all gave her questioning looks. "What? I have had my heart broken way too many times, I don't want it again!" She yelled and we decided not to ask more questions. We could all see the quilt in Alison's eyes. She had been the first one to break Emily's heart.

"Aria, truth or dare?" Emily asked snapping me back to reality.

"Truth." I said.

"You're all so boring!" Hanna yelled.

"Shut up!" I yelled back.

"How many times have you and Ezra done it?" She asked smirking.

"Keep on that smirk and you'll never know." I said.

"Oh come on! Be exciting!" Hanna said.

"I'm pregnant what do you think?" I said.

"How. many. times?" Emily asked again.

"I don't know." I told her honestly.

"That many?" Spencer asked with a fake shocked face.

"I don't count them!" I said.

"I sure do!" Spencer said.

"Then tell me how many times have you and Toby done it?"

"The last time I counted it was 15 or something but then I lost count." She said.

"Eww... Too much information!" Hanna said.

"Aria asked!" She stood up for herself.

"That was a rhetorical question!" I said and we all laughed.

"So Ali truth or dare?" I asked.

"Dare." She replied.

"Finally!" Hanna yelled and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Ms. Montgomery don't you dare roll your eyes at me!" Hanna yelled.

"Roll your eyes at Hanna." I told Ali and we both rolled our eyes at Hanna.

"Ah!!" Hanna fake gasped and threw a pillow at both of us.

"What is up with you and your pillows!" Ali yelled at her.

Wrong but so right (An Ezria story)Where stories live. Discover now