Chapter 16

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I've now reached my 7th month of pregnancy and everyone is blaming me for eating too much and weird stuff like cucumbers and whipped cream. But it actually tastes good. The juiciness of the cucumber and the creaminess of the whipped cream is just too good to say no to. I also enjoy potato chips and Nutella. Right now we are on our way to NYC. We have a mini bus kinda thing. Ezra is driving and I am next to him. behind us is Hanna and Caleb, behind them is Spencer and Toby and Behind them is Emily and Paige and behind them is Alison and Wren (They're dating since the times of Ali's disappearance) Hanna was asleep ten minutes into the road trip and Caleb is listening to music next to her. Alison and Wren are making out, Emily and Paige are asleep and Spencer is reading and Toby is on his phone. Ugh! We have three more hours to drive!!!! Omg, I feel sick again. fuck....

"Ezra pull over!" I yell.


"JUST PULL OVER!!!" I scream. He pulled over and I opened the door and puked. A lot.
When I was done I wiped my mouth and rinsed it with water, now all of the people in our bus were awake.

"You okay?" Emily asked me when I had closed the door and sat back normally.

"Yea, the puking hasn't fully gone away yet." I said.

"Okay." She said.

".........1.............2..............3! Welcome to New York!" I yelled. We finally reached our destination and now we have to check into a hotel. we are planning to stay here for two weeks. Mike is staying at our house to take care of it and mom is still heartbroken by my dad's sudden urge to leave. She doesn't deserve this. I hate my dad so much. Or maybe it's the pregnancy hormones. I can't even tell the difference.

"What's on your mind?" My fiancé asked me with a worried look.

"Nothing, just thinking." I said.

"About what? You had a face like you were about to kill somebody." He said.

"I did?" I asked.

"Yup." He assured me.

"We'll, I was thinking about my dad."

"Don't bother yourself, he is a bastard for leaving your mom with two grown up kids and a handful of bills to pay." He stated.

"I know and I agree." I said.

"What hotel are we spending our 2 weeks in again?" Hanna asked.

"Hilton garden inn central park south." Spencer replied.

"Yeah.... I'm gonna google it." Hanna said.

"We're here." Ezra said.

After we checked in we were walking to our rooms. Every couple had their own room, and every couple paid for their own room.

"I'm hungry." Hanna said.

"Me too." I replied.

"Let's go eat." Ezra said grabbing my butt.

"Perv." I whispered sarcastically.

"Did he just grab your ass?" Emily asked.

"No" Ezra and I said in unison.

"Yeah right." Hanna said opening their door and going into their room with Caleb following. We entered our room and as soon as we were in I was shoved against the door and kissed by my wonderful soon-to-be husband. after our mini make out session he got down on his knees and kissed my baby bump. He kissed one side and said:

"Hi Kendall"

And then the other side nd said.

"Hello Kara."

"I love you so much." i said and we started making out again.

"I love you more." He said after our second make out session. "Come on. You said you were hungry. Lets eat."

When we got around to going to the restaurant to eat, we sat down and a waitress with long blonde hair and green eyes came over and said:

"Hello my name is Clara and I will be taking your orders today."

"Hi." We all said. I could notice her making eye contact with Ezra and winking. I immediately felt jealous and started playing with his fingers to make sure she knew he was taken. When she didn't stop I placed my head on his shoulder and played on with his fingers. She seemed to get the message and asked us another question.

"What would you like to drink?" She asked.

"A pepsi please." Ezra said.

"Green tea?" I asked and she nodded.

"Honey or sugar?"

"Honey, please."

"Water and orange juice." Toby ordered himself and Spencer.

"Grape juice and pepsi." Caleb ordered.

"Coffee please." Alison said.

"Cappuccino, Espresso or Latte?"

"Cappuccino. Without sugar, I don't like it sweet."

"Apple juice." Wren ordered.

"We will both take water." Emily said.

"Okay, I'll be back with your drinks."

Soon she was back with our drinks and also gave us menus. I took my green tea witch had the tea bag still in it. I mixed the honey in it and the water took a green shade. Soon Carla was back and took our orders again. I ordered a huge plate of pasta because lets face it. We three need our food and Ezra got pork with fries.

I ended up eating the whole plate of pasta but I was still hungry. Ezra was full so I ended up eating his leftovers. He was in pain of how much he ate and I didn't feel anything. We paid for our food and decided to go shopping in Toys R us. It is a children's shop but because we got two on the way, we need to buy toys. We entered the store and we were all amazed. There were hundreds of shelves filled with baby toys, toddler toys, cars, teddy bears etc. We walked straight and we were in a trance. The atrium revealed three floors of endless shelves of toys. In the middle of the atrium was....

"Oh my god...." Emily said.

"Is that a ferris wheel???" Spencer said.

"THIS IS PARADISE!" Hanna yelled.
We decided to meet next to the ferris wheel an hour later and then have a ride. We then split up and everyone went different directions. Me and Ezra went to the teddy bear section. We found two bears that were absolutely wonderful. One was hazel brown and the other was beige. They were both soft and furry. After we placed them in our basket we went to the baby section. I then realized we haven't even bought stuff like feeding bottles, car seats, pacifiers, bedding sheets among with other stuff. I grabbed three feeding bottles, bed sheets, four pacifiers and the toys they chew when their teeth are growing. I also grabbed rattles and pink mini converse shoes and put them all in our basket. we had 45 minutes left to shop. We went on the first floor and as we walked we passed a module of The Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. We also passed an Incredible Hulk lego statue and other famous characters and buildings. I wanted to buy souvenirs so I walked into the souvenir section. I found a shelf with glass balls on them. A grey one caught my attention.(picture over there⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️) I got some pens and sharpies because I forgot mine at home and we headed for the check outs where we saw Hanna and Emily.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi!" Emily and Hanna squealed.

"We are heading home, you coming?" I said.

"Not yet, but we'll call you guys." they said.

We paid for our stuff and headed home, where things started to happen.

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