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When you close your eyes or when you're in a dark room with no lights, you think that's as dark as it gets. You can't see a thing and you have no clue what's around you. That's scary enough as it is. However, with my curse, I realized how much worse it really could get. There's more then just black. There's more then just darkness.
   I wasn't scared of the dark. My little brother was terrified of the dark though, and I always tried to convince him that there was no reason to be scared. I thought that was a good thing to do. I thought that you should always help your younger siblings get over their fears. Isn't that your job as an older sister?
   Well, apparently I was wrong. Something wanted him to be scared. Not only that, but they wanted me to be scared as well.
  I woke up one night for no reason at all and looked around my pitch black room. Of course I couldn't see anything, and it didn't bother me one bit. I always told myself there was no reason to fear the darkness. However, I didn't realize what the darkness had in store for me.
   I know it sounds strange, in fact I'm pretty sure my family thinks I'm crazy, but my vision began to grow darker. I was already in a pitch black room so it had to be impossible for it to be any darker. Slowly, my vision grew darker and darker. Blacker and blacker. I felt blind. Not only blind, but as if I was getting blinder and blinder, if that was even possible. My vision was slowly fading into even blacker darkness with each passing second.
  I desperately reached for my light switch as I felt around the wall. Once I had finally felt it, I switched the light switch on and was hoping to be welcomed by the bright, sudden beams of my bedroom lights.    All of the air seemed to rush out of me suddenly as I screamed at the realization that I still could not see a thing. Everything continued to only grow darker. I heard my parents rush into my room but I could not see them. All I could hear was them frantically asking me what was wrong as I continued to scream.
  "I can't see! I can't see! I'm blind! It's getting darker!" I screamed, "I'm blind!"
   My panicking grew worse and worse. It felt almost as if I was falling into a dark hole and the light was slowly fading into darkness. Although, instead of the light fading away, the darkness just grew blacker. There was not a light to be seen. I basically wished that I could just see the darkness I had normally seen every night. Each time I thought I had seen as dark as it gets, it only grew darker. Blackness was all that clouded my eyes. It was torture. It is torture.
   All of these events happened only a few hours ago. As I lie here in my hospital bed, my vision continues to fade further into the darkness. I feel like I'm loosing my mind. I guess I didn't fear darkness because I didn't think there was anything else to it. Seeing shades of black that I didn't even think were possible has made me realize how afraid I should've been. All I can hope is that this doesn't continue forever. I'd rather be just plain blind instead of only falling deeper and deeper into this madness.

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