"Okay, let us start with you, Tom. You know what to do, so go ahead"

Without speaking Tom just nodded and gazed into the misty orb.

Fate's eyes were fixed on the Slytherin head boy as if she would be able to glimpse whatever he would, but he had an unimpressed look on his face indicating he does not see a thing until a look of astonishment tinged across his sharp features just for a moment.

Luckily Fate caught his expression right off the bat before anyone else could.

"Did you see anything?" asked the professor.

Tom sat back in his seat with a small sigh.

"Unfortunately No" He responded shrugging innocently.


"Such a pity, seems like only Miss Crysta was able to clear up Her inner eye, therefore in the next class we shall do this again but I want all of you to peer into the orb and get an insight of your fortune. So for today's homework, you will have to clear your inner eye for more information about the topic please read the topic on page 420. Class dismissed"

With that, all the students got up and left but Tom was the first one to flee from the scene.

"So Fate would like to join us for din- ...aye, where did she go?" Asked a confused Sirius looking at now Fates empty seat.

Fate was hot on his trails following after him without being noticeable. The brown-eyed boy took sharp turns in a haste and soon went to the Slytherin common room.

After realizing he was heading for his common room Fate stopped, there was no use following the boy. She wanted to wait there, for Tom to come out but she could not risk being seen as a stalker.

She made her way back to her common room her head flooded with questions.

What is the bloody hell was that? Pain? Suffering at my door? And I can not let in? Ugh! I get it I am here to stop the slaughter of many innocent lives but that still does not make sense. But what did he see? Most importantly why did he lie?—


Throwing her course books out of her bag, she collected the books she had to return to the library and shoved them in the poor bag that would've begged for mercy if it could talk.

With another trip to the library, she hoped to find the bloody book she needed. Not many were at the place as it was dinner time, leaving the library quite empty.

She quickly made her way to the not-restricted section, grabbing the books she started pushing them on the shelves afraid that someone might catch her doing so.

"Those are a lot of books don't you think? A sound called after her this making her eyes go wide, luckily the person could not see her.

Slapping a blank look on her face, she turned to find the mysterious boy once again.

"Why you really like this section of the library don't you" she dodged the question.

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝐼𝑛 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 - 𝑇.𝑅𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 Where stories live. Discover now