I reached for my phone and called Ryujin, she's the only one that could calm me down. When she finally picked up I sighed in relief.

Ryujin: What's wrong? Why did you call?? Is everything okay??

Y/N: I am anxious to meet their fans... what if they don't like me...

Ryujin: You are such a lovable, sweet, kind, and amazing girl! I even got lucky to be your girlfriend! You are one of a kind there is no reason why they wouldn't love you. Trust me! I promise today will go well for you.

Y/N: Thank you so much babe I really appreciate it. This helped me calmed down a bit.

Ryujin: I have to go now but I hope all goes well! I hope to see you through some fan cameras!

Y/N: okayy! Hopefully, you will be able to! byeee!

Ryujin: Bye!

The manager called everyone even myself to start heading to the tables where Twice will sit for the fan meet. I took a deep breath in and out. I think Dahyun noticed how scared I was because she came to me and clung onto my arm.

"It'll be okay Y/N!" She smiled at me which made me smile. I felt comforted by her words. I thought to myself, "She's really cute when she smiles... wait WAIT did I just say that? What am I thinking..."

We walked to the tables and she told me to take the seat next to her. I realized the managers set up a 10th seat just for me. I felt so guilty to even be sitting with Twice.

"Are you sure this is okay? I feel guilty..." I whispered to Dahyun since the other members are too busy talking to each other.

"Of course! Our fans are going nuts asking if you are coming to the fan meet!" I nodded at her and I nervously waited. As time passes by I saw the room being filled with fans one by one and I start getting a bit nervous again.

Then I felt someone touch my hand and it was Dahyun, I think she was trying to calm me down since she saw how anxious I am. I got alarmed and looked at her as she just continued talking to the fans. After some time a girl who I thought would walk past me stopped in front of me.

"Hello!" I said to her smiling while slowly removing Dahyun's hand off of mine.

"Hi! I saw you at the airport and I thought you were so pretty!" She sai  to me with such a cute smile. I had this urge to pinch her cheeks but that would be disrespectful.

"Thank you so much" She nodded and then started reaching in her bag.

"Please accept my gift" She pulled out a tiny dog stuffed animal. I excitedly squealed looking at the cute stuffed animal and then when she handed it to me I took it and hugged it instantly.

"I love it so much! Thank you for being the first person to notice me I really appreciate it! I will be sure to treasure this gift!" I looked at her and smiled so big, I was truly happy someone actually noticed me and that I got such a cute gift.

"If you don't mind me asking what is your name?" I looked at her as she was closing her bag.

"My name is Shuhua" I reached out my hand for her to shake and then she shook it.

"It is nice to meet you! My name is Y/N! I believe you are going to be the first fan of Twice to know." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"I hope to see you again! Bye!" She said to me as she was motioned to move by the manager. I waved back at her and looked at the stuffed animal and smiled.

As time passed by many of their fans came to talk to me and also gave me gifts. It may not be as much as Twice but I already appreciated that someone at least came to me. I felt so happy and so proud.


Dahyun's POV

The fan meet started and I let Y/N sit next to me, I hope she doesn't think weirdly of it but I just really like her being around me. But I started to noticed she was getting anxious again so I reached for her hand to calm her down.

As time passed by we met many Onces which I was super happy about since I met some super kind fans! I noticed a girl stopped in front of Y/N and then Y/N removed my hand from her hand. I still wanted to hold her hand but I was happy she finally had one of our fans notice her.

I couldn't help but notice how cute she looked when she was talking to the girl and smiling. She even looked so cute holding that stuffed animal.

 When we met all of the fans we went to the front to entertain everyone but I noticed Y/N stayed back. I grabbed the mic to speak.

"ONCES! We are here with our amazing photographer and some of you may have noticed her!" I waited for the fans to reply and to my surprise, they all screamed in happiness.

"Why don't we invite her along with us to the front?" They all screamed yes and I looked at Y/N who was looking at me. I motioned her to come to the front and she slowly walked.

"Y/N can you sing?" I asked her and Y/N looked at us shocked.

"I-I'm not that good..." She looked down but I want her to feel included.

"ONCE! Will you support Y/N if she tries her best? We all start somewhere right?" They all screamed yes.

"You got this Y/N!" I handed her a mic and she started getting ready to sing. I'm curious to see if she can sing well or not.

She started singing a song in English called Lemonade by Jeremy Passion (Yes... the Filipino thing).

"She's my sunshine in the rain. My Tylenol when I'm in pain... yeah..." She continued singing but I got lost just hearing her voice. It sounded so beautiful and it sounded just like a lullaby. Her voice is something you would never want to stop listening to. I wish I can hear her sing forever...

Once she finished all the fans were screaming as they were shocked. She looked at us and saw us all shocked as well then giggled. "Are you guys all okay?" She asked us through the mic and we all snapped back to reality.

"We never expected you to sing so good!" Sana told her as she was still in shock. Y/N handed me back the mic.

"What did you think Onces? Did you think Y/N did a very good job?" I asked the fans as they all shouted yes in excitement.

"I LOVE YOU Y/N!" One of the fans screamed at the top of their lungs and we all started giggling at how cute the fan was.

The fan meet continued and shortly after we had to prepare for the concert. The concert thankfully was perfect and flawless. Once again a really successful concert and it was amazing to be able to see our fans. Although I was quite sad Y/N had to stay backstage, I couldn't help but think of her. Even a fan noticed I was in such a happy mood. Either way, I hope Y/N enjoyed seeing us perform. Or at least... enjoyed seeing me perform...


A/N: Hello! I have multiple tests to take this week so I will be focusing on studying! I will try my best to write chapters especially towards the end of the weekday but I can't 100% promise I will be able to release a chapter on time. Thank you for being understanding with me! I will be back with more chapters I promise!

Also stan G-Idle I love them so much! Shuhua is my bias :)

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