"Rachel, I didn't see you over there" he responded and grabbed the cup of coffee from her hand, returning back to take his seat in his attempt to hide the fact that he had ceaselessly been spying on his worker. Unfortunately for him, his efforts seemed futile as curiosity had the best of Rachel.

"Hmm...I wonder how you would have managed to see me, when you were busy spying on someone else" she smirked, and walked over to the glass windows to feed her eyes with what her boss had been watching.

She smirked even more when she saw Maldives and Gerald, having what seemed to be a heated argument.

"I wasn't 'spying' on anyone" he insisted, in the most convincing tone he could muster.

"Alright then, you were only checking her out" she agrued, as she moved over to sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

'No, I wasn't checking her out either, I was just—you know—observing two employees having a conversation" he shrugged.

"Hmm, well at least you admit the fact that we are talking about the same person" she said, waiting for his response.

When she sensed he had none prepared for her, she spoke again while he wrote away in his journals. "Fai, come on! Were you even ever going to tell me?"

"Tell you? Tell you what?"

"Right, so now suddenly, you're the most sarcastic person in the world. Were you ever going to tell me about you two?" she blurted out, which made him pause.

He stared at her, as if trying to read something in her eyes, all the while he kept twirling the pen he had in his hand.

" Why do I get the feeling you don't really know anything but you're only acting like you do cause you don't wanna seem left out? You know you hate being in the dark" he suggested and she surrendered.

"Right, fine! You caught me. You're absolutely right, I don't really know anything. You guys have got me walking on egg shells around you, doing sums and multiplications in my head, trying to figure it out what the hell is happening around here, so, come on, spill it already!"

"Hmm, but wait a minute...You know I'm confused, what exactly do you wanna know?"

"Are you two together?"



"Look, it's a little—complicated"

"Right, but there is something at least, right?" she enquired and he took some seconds of thoughts before responding, "Yeah—yeah there is"

"Wow...and there I thought you two didn't like each other" Rachel stated, heaving a huge sigh as she tried to absorb her newly acquired information.

"Oh no, I downt necessarily think you're wrong about that" Fai said as he wrinkled his brows.

"What now? You know what? You two are confused and confusing as hell!" she sighed as she threw her hands in the air.

"Yeah, I actually think that's the perfect way to put it"

"Oh—come on! What exactly is holding you two back? She's a nice girl, you're a nice guy, what else is the issue? Hold on, is this because you both are of different races? Because if that's the case, then you both really need to be teleported back to the 1800s"

"What—No! This is no racial issue, at least not from my side. Listen, the thing is—there are lots of layers when it comes to us, so it's not something that could just—happen overnight okay?"

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