Chapter 25

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A/N : Well... this chapter escalated quickly O.O

I gave in and decided to post during the weekend hehehe :3 (This is the only time I'm doing it tho)

Also, an update on the Connor x Reader : I've already started a rough draft on the story. I plan to add more fluff into this one since Connor is a UwU soft boi and not a cannibal ʕʔ But the readers shall suffer just like what I have planned in this story ( )


Age 9 :

The sun poured out on to the ground around me as I sat at the bus stop, its warmth penetrating my hair and skin. My brother had just got on his bus to go to school, but I still had to wait a little while until it was time for me to go.

My foot tapped against the pavement below me, and I was humming a little tune, listening to the peaceful silence around me, nothing but the sounds of trees rustling and birds chirping filling the air.

I was very much aware of the boy who just sat down on the bench next to me, so I snuck a curious look. The boy was older - maybe twelve? - he looked my brother's age, with loose brown hair, and he harbored a sad look in his eyes as he awkwardly stared at the ground.

At the time, I wasn't taught that staring was rude, but I couldn't help but notice the bruises on his cheek, and the ones on his arms and legs. Not to mention the deep looking cut right above his eyebrow.

I immediately felt bad for him, as his look of sadness, slowly melted into an annoyed scowl. I gasped when he snapped his head up to glare at me.

"What are you staring at?"



"(Y/N)?" Thomas's gentle voice trickled into my ears, and I jolted up as soon as I felt him shake me.

I was sitting in the same chair as I was before I fell asleep, my body bent over on to my brother's hospital bed. I quickly wiped the trail of drool off my face, and then proceeded to turn and look at Thomas, who was standing over me.

"Shit, sorry... how long was I out?"

"Not long at all." The agent replied, and he smiled. "Are you ready to head out?"

I groaned, the ache in my back feeling very present as I stood from the chair. "Yeah, go on ahead to the car, I have to say bye, first."

Thomas nodded, and then he turned and left the room. Now it was just my brother and I, the beeping of the machines breaking the silence. Pushing another odd dream I had out of my mind, I gazed longingly at (B/N), the love and hope I felt for him strong, and I grasped his limp hand.

"Don't worry, you'll be awake soon. I have the money to keep you breathing." I paused, feeling the guilt deep down in my heart. "I might not be doing the right thing, but it's the only option I have..."

I felt a twinge of loneliness, and I realized how much I missed everyone. The killer is obviously trying to make me vulnerable by killing off my friends, but luckily, he doesn't know who I'm working with to track him down.

I missed Olivia, but hopefully she's safe on her trip. She's the only good friend I had left, minus Thomas.

"I hope you wake up soon. I feel like I'm going insane." I whispered, and then turned to leave.

Not before I was stopped by Tanner, who was leaning against the door, smirking. "So... any new things that happened?"

I knew what he was referring to, so I replied calmly, "Nope, I'm really starting to hate staying up all night just to discover nothing."

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