I REFUSE... (8) 1st Date with Nathan

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Hi again :D

See i didnt take too long this time!!! Clap clap :)  and as u mught have noticed i started naming my chapters :D

Im really tryin with this story since i think its the best one ive got.... I upload quicker whenever i see a comment :D (Is that a bribe? i think so...) LESSTHAN THREE!!! (<3)



Emily asked her old friend Nathan to be her fake boyfriend to make Trent jealous.

um thats basically it....

[Chapter 8}{1st Date with Nathan!]

I parked into the driveway and hopped out the car. Trent was sitting on his porch (as always). he stood up and gave a little wave. I gave him an evil wink and skipped inside.

I ran past Paula up the stairs and into my room. I flopped onto my bed and fell asleep. Yes its only like 2 in the afternoon but hey, im tired!

By the time i woke up it was 6:30.

6:30??!!?!!? Nathan is coming at 7!! 

I hopped out of bed and into my walk-in-wardrobe. i scanned the racks of clothes for my dark jeans. i took them out and pulled out the 1st top i found wich was a blue and black stripy tank top. I picked up my blue converses and threw them on. I turned to look in the mirror.



BedHead!!!! It lookes bad! I brusshes the knots out of my hair and straightened my fringe. I put a blue stripy bow in my hair and a black necklace. I quickly put on some eye-liner and I smiled and nodded and just then the doorbell rang. I picked up my phone and stuffed it into my pocket with my purse. Idashed downstairs just in time to beat Paula. I opened the door.

Nathan was standing there in jeans and a black shirt. He looked cool!

"Hey gorgeous." He said smiling. I blushed and rolled my eyes at him, quickly shoving him back out the door.

"See you later Paula!!" I yelled slamming the door. Nathan took my hand and pulled me towards his convertible. He opened the door for me as i slid in and he hopped over the door on the other side.

"You ready?" He asked

"Yup...where are we going?" 


[Trent's P.o.v]

I watched her drive away in the guys car. she was smiling. I guessed she was going on a date or something. i turned away from the window.

It doesnt mean anything...he could be a friend going for a film or something. The image of him with his arm around her made my blood boil. That was my girl!! Well, im my head anyway...

what was with that smirk earlier?? i mean i waved and thats what i get? Confused!!


[Emily's P.o.v]

It turns out when he said "Paris" He meant the bar called Paris.

See i wouldn't have known...since i dont go out much...

but still...he shouldn't have scared me like that!!! Anyway...

Paris is quite nice to be honest... We walked up to the large glass doors. I could already hear music blasting. 

"Come on then!" Nathan said grabbing my hand and pulling me in after him. The music hit me like a ton of bricks. A song i didnt know was playing. Nathan dragged my onto the dancefloor. For any other girl, this would've been okay but...I CANT DANCE!!!

Nathan Held both my hands and started dancing. I swayed side to side a bit unsure of what to do. I looked over at a girl dancing with her guy.

If she can do it so can i!

I started moving my feet like her but i realised i failed when he said

"What are you doing?"

"Failing at dancing...? Isnt it obviouss??" I said losing my last bit of dignity

"Gosh...you...suck..." He gasped between laughs. I folded my arms and tapped my foot waiting for him to finish. 

"Sorry, sorry..you just looked kinda funny" he said wiping a tear from his eye.

"Mhm..." I mumbled

"Here look let me show you" He put his hands on my hips

"Here now just move them like this" He said moving them for me. I started to get the hang of it

"Ok... now what?" 

"Now step with me. Here look step here...." 

~20 minutes later~

"See! Easy."

"Hahaha I can dance!" I said. I got the hang of it. But then the song changed. The colourful lights all turned shades of blue and the music slowed down. Nathan grabbed me and pulled me to his chest. He wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped his around my waist.

Hes lifted me up slightly and set me down on his feet. He stepped forwards and backwards with me on his toes.

"You're cute you know" He whispered in my ear. I blushed and stuck my head to his hard chest to hide it.

"And i like it when you blush." He said. I could hear the smirk in his voice making me blush harder.

"shut up" i mumbled, smiling.


Nathan pulled up at my house.

"Home." He said. he hopped out the car and rolled over the hood to my door. He opened the door and grinned.

"Thanks" I smiled. I glanced over at trents house and saw him peeking through the curtains. Nathan closed the door.

"Thanks for everything nathan" I winked at him and he nodded. I took a deep breath in and stepped closer to him. He wrapped an arm around my wast and kissed me. No tounges, just enough to make it look believable. I pulled away and smiled at him. He smiled back and gave me a quick wink and a kiss on the cheek before driving off.

I casually looked back at the window Trent was at and smiled.


Not edited but oh well its almost 10 and im so tired!!! ive got 2 things planned out but only 1 can happen i just need to know what you think of Nathan!!! comment-Vote-Fan-Read-Smile-LAugh? idk

<3 Winzii

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