I REFUSE... (3) Party from hell!!

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I know i havnt uploaded in a while but ive been busy busy...busy =]

ANyway here it is


[[Chapter 3]]

Over the past 3 days I haven't seen HIM. Mainly because I've stayed inside for the first week of my summer. Paula said we've got a party to go to today so I'm getting ready for that. She said it was at around 6pm and it wasn't far from home. I was looking through my wardrobe looking for my black and neon green dress. I finally found it ant laid it out on my bed with my neon green tights and black and green converses.

Smiling at my choice of clothing,I grabbed my towel and hopped into the shower. After washing my hair I came out and blow-dried it, quickly straightening my bangs. I put my little green bow in and slipped on my tights, then my dress, then my shoes. I looked into my full-length mirror and smiled. I was looking good tonight.

"EMILY!! COME ON WE HAVE TO GO!" Paula yelled from downstairs. I put my phone into my pocket and put my fishnet glove on one hand. I walked down the stairs slowly. 

"Girl you better hurry up..." Paula said 

"Fine" I replied and we walked out the house. I stopped at the car but Paula carried on going. 

"Wait what? Paula?" I called after her. "Aren't we taking the car? I don't wanna walk!" I moaned.  

"Oh just come on Emily!" She hissed. I walked over frowning and we walked together. when we passed HIS house I covered my face with my hand (in case he was watching) then Paula stopped. I stoped and looked at her. She looked past me and waved.


. I turned around to see a lady with dark hair waving back at my mother. Then HE popped up behind her and smirked at me. AAARGGG I hate his guts already!! 

" Mother I am NOT staying for this!" I whispered in her ear.  

"Don't be silly Emily we are staying for this party, whether you like it or not!" she whispered back at me. 

I searched her face for any sign of letting me go home but there was none.*sigh* I had to stay for this. I took a deep breath in and put on a totally fake smile (Just to please Paula). I walked towards the door and stopped in front of the lady.

"Hello nice to meet you my name is Emily. I live next door." I said sticking my hand out and smiling. She looked slightly surprised and took my hand. 

"Shelly Mason, Nice to meet you." She said smiling. "And this is my son Trent." She said looking over at HIM. So that was his name? Trent.... 

"Oh nice to meet you too Trent" I said grabbing his hand and shaking it while squeezing it hard. He flinched slightly and I gave him a genuinely satisfied smile and stepped back away from him. I could hear our other neighbours inside the house.

"So you gonna let us in then?" I asked smiling so widely it hurt. She nodded slightly and stepped aside to let me in. I walked past Trent and into their living room. It wasn't finished but they wanted to thank our neighbourhood for all the gifts and stuff, so that was understandable. I was munching on a cookie when It started to feel stuffy in here so I decided I wanted to go outside. When I got there I was alone watching the sun disappear.

--Trent's Pov-

I was standing around in the living room watching my mother talk to all these people, when I saw Emily leave the living room heading towards the garden. I squeezed through the crowd and stood at the garden door. I saw her standing there watching the sun disappear. I wanted to join her so I walked up behind her.  

I REFUSE to fall in love with you.[Being Re-Written]Where stories live. Discover now