I REFUSE... (4) And away you go

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WARNING: Strong Language :S


“Okay um thats great that your okay so... I'm gonna go home... need to help Shelly with the unpacking.” He said . I am grateful he saved me and stuff but I dunno what to do to show him that. He was about to get up when I flung my arms round his neck and hugged him. He went stiff at first but then he relaxed and hugged me back.

That’s when Dylan walked in.


"WHAT THE F-??" he yelled as me and Trent let go of each other and he stood up. Trent glanced back at me


"Dude...Nothings going on...you need to chill" Trent said walking slowly up to a now fuming red-faced Dylan.

"Dude you need to chill" Dylan mimicked " CHILL MY ASS! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HUGGING MY GIRLFRIEND??" He yelled stepping closer to Trent who didnt move a muscle. I began to panick

"Dylan!! He saved my life yesterday!! I was just thanking him! WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH A JERK?? I HUGGED A DUDE!! SO WHAT??" I said standing beside Trent, still wrapped in my 6 blankets,who was still surprisingly calm. He rested an arm on my shoulder and calmed me down a bit.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??DONT TOUCH HER!!?!" Dylan yelled yanking me away from Trent who was still as calm asever.

"oww!" i yelped as i was dragged towards him, his hand gripping my arm tight.

"Dude, Youre hurting her" Trent said through gritted teeth. "Let go."

"Shes MY girlfriend! I can do whatever i want with her!!!"

"Dude im telling you now... Let go Of Emily." Trent said taking a step closer to Dylan.

"FUCK OFF!" Dylan yelled swinging a punch at Trents face. I squeesed my eyes shut as fast as i could and hearda delayed thud.


I opened my eyes to reveal Dylan on the floor with his arm twisted up behind his back. And Trent looking effortlessly calm.

"DON'T Even THINK About EVER touching her again. Is that clear?" He whisper-shouted in his ear. Dylan nodded quickly and Trent let go and walked towards the door.

I sighed a breath ididn't know i was holding.

Till Dylan got up and spun Trent round punching him in the Jaw.

I gasped and tried to look away but... I just couldnt!

i watched as Trent stumbled back a bit but grabbed Dylan by his collar. He pushed him up against the wall 








He let go of Dylan letting him slide slowly down the wall and walked towards the door and mouthed 'Sorry' to me before walking out of the house slamming the door slightly.

I stared at the door wondering what the hell just happened. Then i remembered Dylan!

I looked over to where he was sitting floor with a bloody nose, swolen lip, brused jaw andblackeye forming. I moved towards him and felt a sharp sting in my arm. I rolled up my sleve to reveal a bruise from where he held me.

I felt the anger rise up in me.

"Dont stand there get me some ice!" he shouted.

"No." I said

"What? ITS YOURE DAMN FAULT IM LIKE THIS!! Nobody asked you to Cheat on me." He spat.

"I said get your own ice. I didnt cheat on you. You did this to yourself. and GET OUT MY DAMN HOUSE!" I yelled pure anger in my eyes as he got up and left. As he got into his car he yelled. "By the way,I'm moving to Canada see you never!!"



I felt tears prick in the back of my eyes as i remembered all the good times we had.

a few tears fell as i turned around and sitting on his doorstep looking at me with nothing but concern in his eyes, was Trent.

"Emily are you okay?"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!"I yelled stroming into my house before he could reply.


Ok so thats goodbye Dylan but a new face is soon to come...(And a bit of messy fun!)


I REFUSE to fall in love with you.[Being Re-Written]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें