I REFUSE... (14) Faithfully Deserted

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 [Chapter14}{Faithfully Deserted.]

~Emilys P.O.V~

I woke up to the sound of light snoring beside me. I opened my eyes and looked around. I could see into my room. Slowly i closed them again.

wait. WHAT??

I snapped my eyes open and looked around. I was in trents room? I tried to get off the bed. I couldnt beacuse Trents arms had me locked firmly in place. Oh no.

"Trent..." I whispered tapping his nose. He shifted slightly.

"Treeeentt" I whispered louder. He pulled me closer to him burrying his face in my neck.

"TRENT" i whisper-shouted slapping the sides of his face lightly.

"I dont wanna eat the custard" He mumbled. What??

"TRENT Get off ! Paula's gonna come looking for me!"

"It dont matterrr Stay with mee" Trent mummbled kissing my neck.

"Treeeent get off it tickles" I giggled quietly. I felt him suck hard on my neck.

"Did you just...?"

"Yup! Just marking my terretory" He said winking groggily

"Trent i am NOT your terretory! AND im going out with Nathan today!" I rolled off the bed looking in the mirror. There it was. My Love Bite.

"Why are you even with that guy anyway?" Trent asked sitting up leaning back.

"Beacuse hes my boyfriend?" I mumbles sipping on my flip flops.

"So? Its not like hes better than...me?" Trent said smirking. I rolled my eyes even though i wasnt facing him.

"Thats not the point is it? Hes my boyfrind and thats it! I bet hes more faithful to me..."

~'Nathan's P.O.V'~

I woke up with my arms around someone. A blonde, An naked blonde. I looked around at the fancy hotel suite i was in. Tiffany's. 

Oh. I slept with Tiffany.


I slid my arms off her sitting up, pulled on my boxers and jeans. Running a hand trough my hair i picked up my shirt and left. i walked down the hallway, looking for a lift. Gosh where is it?? I turned a corner and there it was. I pushed the button and the lift came instantly. I stepped in, pushed the lobby button and waited. While i waited i put my wrinkled shirt back on. The doors slid open and i walked back out into a dazzling lobby. I pased the lady at thesk who did a double take when she saw me.

I decided to spend the day with Emily instead of Tiffany. I called her and she picked up after the 5th ring.

"Yahh?" She panted out of breath.

"Emily are you ok there? you sound out of breath"

"No..im..ok..i swear..just..uh..dancin..yeah...dancing" She panted.

"Riiiight. Ok. well wanna go for breakfast?" I asked walking towards my car.

"Nathan its 11..."

"Oh...right...how about lunch later?

"Yeah sure pick me up at twelve?"


"ok...bye!" She hung up. I got into my car and sighed. I need to shower.

~Emily's P.O.V~

 I put the phone down and sighed remembering what had just happened.

I REFUSE to fall in love with you.[Being Re-Written]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora