The rest of the week followed the same pattern; Magnolia would be woken up by Hermione and Ginny for breakfast, only to clean for the rest of the day, only stopping for lunch and dinner. She had wandered off during one lunch break and was ecstatic to find Buckbeak in one of the rooms above Magnolia's. She hadn't gone back to cleaning that afternoon but was found by George when dinner was ready.

Magnolia spent time with Buckbeak every day after that. She felt sorry for the Hippogriff being stuck in the room for long. She would talk to Buckbeak a lot about everything going on and all that she was feeling, almost like he could understand her. The evening before Harry's trial, she was joined by Sirius in Buckbeak's room.

They were both concerned about what was going to happen the following day, but at least Magnolia was able to go with her brother. Sirius had been told by Dumbledore the night before that he wasn't allowed to go with Harry to the Ministry, which Magnolia agreed with, but Sirius was furious about it. Magnolia knew he hated the situation he was in because of his past. She was leaning against him, his arm around her shoulders, as she spoke to him about her worries for her twin.

"If he's expelled from school, where will he go? He can't stay at the Dursley's all year."

"He might have to, at least for a little while."

"You don't understand, Sirius." Magnolia replied, "They're terrible. Life is already almost unbearable with them, and that's between the two of us and just for the summer break. If Harry is there on his own all year... it would be torment for him. It's always been the two of us, I can't imagine how horrible it would be there for him without me."

"What about you? Would you cope without Harry being around?"

"It would be weird, but I wouldn't be completely alone like Harry would be if he were with the Dursley's. I'd have my friends, and my family in my House."

Magnolia felt Sirius cringe at her words, she was desperate for him to realise that her friends in Slytherin loved her and would care for her throughout anything like they had already in the years she had known them. She knew that Sirius would never approve of her friends like he did for Harry's, there was too much history for him, but she needed her Godfather to trust her and trust her judgement.

Not long after that, Magnolia left Sirius alone with Buckbeak and went to bed to be up early for Harry's trail. She lay in bed, listening to Hermione and Ginny's deep breaths, but she couldn't sleep herself. Her thoughts whirled around her mind, and Magnolia couldn't focus on any of them for long enough to think it through properly before she started worrying about something else.

Hours later, Magnolia was still awake and watching the morning light creep in through the window. Huffing, she decided that sleep wasn't going to find her and so threw her bed sheets off of her and made her way to her trunk. She pulled out some clothes for the day, and a beautifying potion that Pansy had brought her for a belated Christmas present that was perfect for after a sleepless night.

Walking into the kitchen, Magnolia was shocked to see people already up and awake. Sirius stood up and hugged Magnolia good morning, before pushing a cup of sugary tea towards her. Mr and Mrs Weasley, Tonks and Remus were also sat around the table. Tonks looked as tired as Magnolia felt.

"Are you ready for today, dear?" Mrs Weasley asked Magnolia, as she piled a plate in front of her with breakfast food.

Magnolia picked up a piece of bacon and nibbled on it as she shrugged. Around the table, Magnolia heard chuckles, and looked up to see Sirius and Remus laughing at her, their faces lit up.

"I wouldn't expect much out of her before tea and food, Molly." Sirius chuckled.

"It's like being back with James and Lily." Remus added, "James wasn't respondent before breakfast and Lily was a nightmare before her morning cup of tea."

The Girl Who Was ForgottenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora