Chapter 51

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Chapter 51.

"I'm getting you out of this."

Draco was pacing around his Dorm in front of Magnolia and their friends, his hair dishevelled from the number of times he had run his hands through it. It had been Theo's idea to move the group from the Common Room into the privacy of the boy's Dorm after Draco had told Magnolia about her summoning. Most of them were sat across the beds, all silent after the numerous times that Draco had glared at them when they tried to calm him down.

"I'm not allowing you anywhere near the Manor this Christmas."

Magnolia was sat on Draco's bed, leaning against his headboard, and picking at his bedsheets. She had already heard him say that at least seven times in the last twenty minutes, but so far there were no ways to get her out of the visit.

"I'm keeping you away from him."

Magnolia sighed, "Draco."

"No, Lia, you're not going near the Manor. You don't know what he has planned for you."

"And what will he have planned for you if I don't go?"

Draco stopped pacing for the first time since they had entered the Dorm to face Magnolia. On the other beds beside Magnolia, her friends were looking between the pair nervously. Draco had fire in his eyes and the pure panic and anger was being directed at Magnolia.

"What happens to me doesn't matter."


Magnolia watched as Draco sat beside her, taking her hand in his. She could feel how tense he was; she could see it in the way he was holding himself.

"Draco, what happens to you matters to me."

"And what happens to you is more important." Draco stroked his fingers across her cheek, "We will figure it out, somehow."

"And if we don't... if we don't figure out how to get me out of it without anyone else getting hurt, then I have to go."


"Promise me, Draco."

"I will think of a way to get you out of this."

Things did not get less complicated for Magnolia as Christmas approached. Harry's mood only worsened, until one day he finally approached his twin with a smile and told her that they were staying at The Burrow for Christmas. Magnolia couldn't be excited at the prospect of spending a Christmas with an actual family, she was too worried about how this would affect Christmas at Malfoy Manor. They still hadn't thought of a way to get her out of it, instead her and Draco were often found arguing with each other about it.

The one thing that going to the Burrow made easier was that Magnolia was sure Sirius wouldn't be able to go. He would know if she tried to sneak away or lied about where she was going so she could get to Malfoy Manor. Magnolia knew that Draco was trying to find anyway to get her out of going, but Magnolia was adamant that she wasn't going to be the cause of Draco or his family being hurt.

Magnolia didn't go to the last DA meeting before Christmas, telling her brother that she had too much work to finish before their break. Magnolia, Pansy, Daphne, and Tracey were all sat in the Common Room finishing different essays whilst the boys were off getting them treats for the Annual Slumber Party.

Daphne had been sent new beauty potions by her mother for the Slumber Party, and Magnolia was looking forward to trying out the potion that would change her hair colour. With a relieved sigh, Magnolia pushed her parchment and quill away as she finished her Potion essay.

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