A screen that made any average theatre screen feel tiny was in front of the team, static covering it all.

"We should be up in an hour or so. Take a break and relax for about thirty minutes people." The leader spoke clearly to them in the microphone.

He was about to have a stress attack inside, but on the surface he looked calm about this entire thing.

"Uh, Sir! How do you use the coffee machine again...?"

Taking a deep breath with one hand over his face, he looked up at the blonde worker who asked the stupid question.

"There's a green button that sho-"

The static on the screen disappeared and the scenery of what looked like a pizzeria was on the screen. Like the screen freaked her out, the blonde scientist ran away, her long hair like a short cape.

"Everyone, to their stations now! I repeat, to your stations now! They are awake early! Hurry up!"



Opening my eyes slowly, black and white checkered floor nearly blinding me, along with the bright red walls with pictures of pizzas. A pizza store? Quotes were everywhere saying things like "Best pizza I've tasted." and "9 1/2 out of 10!" on the blinding walls.

The pajamas I wore weren't flannel, neither were they there, but my favorite dress I always wore when I could was. Excitement filled my body, I saw my normal black hair that brushed against the checkered ground. I was myself again! And I had slippers!

Anne. You are still in the replica of Earth, but you are not alone. You are not the only human in here. Your partner needs you and you need her. Find her and the Metals, your partner is at least ten miles from you. To find her, go west after you are out of the pizzeria. You also still have your card, don't be afraid to kill, but make sure it isn't a person like you.



"Kori?" That familiar voice forced my eyes wide open and to sit up quickly. Felix.

Grass covered every inch of land around us with small patches of buttercups everywhere. Felix's hazel eyes glimmered in front of me and they smiled just like his lips were.

"I spotted you asleep in this cluster of flowers. We keep meeting up in odd places." His eyes narrowed as he said it, we both knew they were just weird coincidences. Taking his hand that was held awkwardly in front of me for a few moments, we started walking around for anything other than lush grass and tiny, oily petaled flowers under our feet. An eerie silence between us made this feel like we were trapped in a horror movie, one of us likely to fall in a hole as terrifying monsters chased the other on and on. Speaking of monsters, I remembered the shadow things attempting to pry open Mary's doors, knocking me out from the doorknob to the side of my head.

Then the question punched me in the stomach. "Felix, I look the same as I did when we first met, right?" He raised one eyebrow, but just nodded, questioning me no more. I couldn't help but smile and silently breathe out in relief. I disliked having long hair, it got oily fast and knots occured every few seconds, I would even get my fingers tangled up in my hair. I liked my short hair better and I could run without having someone behind me choke on my hair or be attacked by it. Short way of saying it: I didn't like being in the body of some random girl.

Kori. It's your lucky day, you don't have to go through as much horrible pain now for me to talk to you. Only maybe random shortening of breath or major headaches! Not very good, but better promotion than having to feel as much pain as the average person their whole life. You need to find a girl. The girl you were a few hours ago. Look for her. She is already on her way to you. To prove you are smart, she is looking for you by going west. Find out where you are supposed to go.

That voice again. I knew it was telling the truth, so I stopped suddenly and waited for Felix to notice I stopped walking with him. Turning around, he saw me beckoning him away from where we were traveling. "I think I know where to go. Follow me."


  My slippers slapped my feet hard and my normal body felt heavier since the body I was in earlier seemed to be about 100 pounds, even though she was incredibly strong.  Yes, as a princess, I should be even less than the brunette, but that was not the case. What? You thought princesses never gained weight for eating formal delicacies and having big feasts once in a while? Hmph, stupid fairy tales. As my side started to hurt like I had been drinking gallons of water before this, I began to slow down for a quick breather.

  Not many things around me changed except that there would be random tufts of grass poking through the unbreakable concrete where there were cracks. My long hair flowed in a ungraceful way, parts of my long hair by my scalp wet from the sweat on my forehead and the rest of my hair just crazily frizzy. Another break, I put my hands on my knees and gulp for breath.


 My eyes left the ground and my heart beated faster. It sounded like when I ran, but without the heavy panting. Narrowing my eyes for any sign of a human, I saw the shoes I wore when I was in the other girl's body. Her brown hair fluttered as she ran away behind the building and towards the alleyway I hid. My heart was about to burst. I stepped from the place I took to breathe and ran in front of her.


Aquamber ^^Currently being edited^^Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ