Ch. 10 - Defeated [e]

Start from the beginning

"So this time, it's the Seven Deadly Sins instead of the Ten Commandments, huh?" continues Estarossa. "Deep down, I bet you're full of anticipation, wondering when to betray them, right? You're a terrible person."

"So are you, Estarossa!" I shout angrily at the sphere, very well knowing that Estarossa can't hear me at all. But my anger and hatred are too great to take him even a second longer. Still, I cover my mouth, shocked by myself for talking like that in front of Meliodas' friends.

Estarossa throws Meliodas back on the ground, who just groans in pain. A pleased smile stands on Estarossas face.
"E...liza...beth..." Meliodas breathes out with his last bit of power and I hear the princess gasp in surprise.

"Estarossa, let me be the one to finish off Meliodas" says Melascula as she appears behind him.

"You? Why?" he asks without even turning around.

"His comrades really did a number on me" she says and I turn around in surprise, only to find Ban grinning. I hold up my hand and he high-fives me. "It's obvious that Meliodas should take responsibility for this mischief."

"Those guys eat souls!" says Escanor in fear.

"Then what will happen to Sir Meliodas?" asks Elizabeth worriedly.

"It won't happen" I nag and clench my hands into fists.

"Oh my, you're resisting" says Melascula as she's trying to steal his soul. "But I happen to be a specialist at manipulating the dead... their souls. Extracting your soul when you're immobilized is simple for me."
But before Melascula can continue her proposition, Estarossa breaks her neck.

Once again, Meliodas' friends gasp in shock. Even the other Commandments stand there in shock. Everyone but Zeldris. "She tried to devour my older brother's soul without my permission" explains Estarossa without being asked to. "She got what she deserved" he says and then stabs Meliodas.

"Hey, Merlin! Send me over there" I say sternly and completely emotionless as I turn around to face her. I look seriously at the magician, my hands still clenched into fists.

"Out of the question. You made a promise to the captain."

"The princess is safe. She is here. I kept my promise. Letting him die was not part of the deal. Now. Send. Me. Over. There" I hiss out.

"That would be suicide!" exclaims Gilthunder, stunned.

"You know the rules, Yami. How are you going to stick it out for so long?"

"I'll think of something. Now send me there!" I yell at her while Estarossa stabs heart after heart and time is running out. Merlin nods silently. 

◊ ◊ ◊

I find myself right behind the Ten Commandments and watch Estarossa stab the fifth of Meliodas' hearts.
I take a deep breath to maintain my composure. Then, I move slowly and confidently to the midst of the Commandments.
"Hey Estarossa!" I exclaim loudly so that he lifts his gaze to me. I walk over to him with a cheeky grin on my lips and stop just a few inches in front of him. I tilt my head slightly and look him into his dark, cold eyes. My plan is completely stupid and risky, but it's all I can do. "Now, you've changed a lot, if not for the better" I chuckle. The demon looks at me through narrowed eyes before they widen in shock.

"You ... But how can that be?" he asks incredulously.

"What a warm greeting. You can't think of anything more after all these years? I was sure you've missed me" I have now placed myself directly above Meliodas and ousted Estarossa a few steps from my friend. I look past Estarossa and examine the other Commandments. "Trapped in a seal for 3.000 years doesn't seem to have done you any great harm. Well ... If your mind is disregarded. Or has it always been so confused?" I giggle and hear Estarossa snort angrily next to me. But I let my gaze wander over all members in peace. Until I look into Zeldris' eyes.
When our eyes meet, I suddenly feel a strong and diverting feeling. It is like a lightning that shoots through me and it drives the heat into my body. My body tingles and my heartbeat speeds up. Surprised, I look at him and I think I can see that his eyes widened, too, if barely noticeable.

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