Chapter 16

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"Watch it Hummel." Karofsky said as he shoved Kurt into the row of lockers and walked away. Kurt hissed at the pain in his back, but stood up and continued to walk to class.

Things like that happened everyday, Kurt could handle most of it, brushing it off and forgetting about it. Not letting it affect him.

Kurt slipped into his seat in the back of French, watching as the jocks came in, making to much noise and annoying the teacher.

'Do you know who I hate?'

'Slow walkers?'

'Well, yes, I do hate them. But I was talking about all the jocks at my school.'

'Ah, the classic high school football players.'

'Exactly. You'd think they wouldn't want to be a stereotype, but they just have to all be loud and obnoxious, and bully everyone that's slightly below them.'

'Well, bullies only really hurt other people when they've got something going on in their own lives, not that that's an excuse though.'

'Yeah, I just with they'd sort out their problems without taking it out on me.'

'I wish there was a way I could fix it for you.'

'Don't worry about it B, you being in my life makes it easier.'

'I'm glad, you make my life brighter as well.'

Kurt looked down at his desk, grinning. Out of everything in Kurt's life, Blaine was the best at cheering him up after a bad day.


'Blaine, are you busy right now?'

Blaine looked at the textbook that was on his lap. He had a maths test tomorrow, and he needed desperately to study for it.

'I'm never too busy for you.'

'Okay... great. Do you think you could meet me at the park just outside of Lima?'

'Yeah, of course. I can get there in about 15 minutes.'

'Great, I'll be waiting for you.'

Blaine frowned as he went to put on his shoes. He could tell that something was wrong with Kurt, he didn't sound as bubbly or happy as he usually did. He grabbed his phone, keys and wallet and walked out of the dorm. He made his way through the school, and got into his car once he made it to the parking lot. He put the park into the GPS, and began to drive to the park.

After 20 minutes, he drove into the parking lot and got out of the car once he was parked. He walked into the park, and walked around the area, until he found a little area with a seesaw, a roundabout, a climbing frame, and a double swing set. He looked closer, and saw a pale, thing figure, swinging slightly on the swing. Blaine smiled and walked to the boy, going to sit on the swing next to him.

"Hey Kurtie." Blaine said softly. Kurt turned to look at him, and offered his best smile. Blaine frowned, Kurt just wasn't acting like himself.

"Kurt, what's wrong?" Blaine asked, voice full of concern. Kurt sighed and kicked his feet against the ground so he began to swing.

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