Chapter 15

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"Okay everyone, so it's decided, our next performance will be at the local old folks home." Wes said, banging down his gavel to show that was the final decision.

It was always slightly awkward when the Warblers lose, and the have to scrape the barrel to find places to preform so their vocal chords don't go to waste.

Blaine sighed as he watched all of the Warblers bored nods. Although the Warblers were never sore losers, they always had a slightly melancholy aura over them after a loss.

But that quickly changed when the door to the room burst opened, and an angry woman was standing there, with smoke practically coming out of her ears with rage.

"David Nathanial Thompson!" Jessica shouted. Jessica was a skinny, pale blonde haired woman. She was taller than average, and was wearing a grey pinafore dress, with a white turtle neck under it, and knee high grey boots on her feet. Everyone turned to look at David, who looked at Jessica nervously.

"What's wrong beautiful?" David asked sweetly, trying to calm down his girlfriend, but that just made her even more angry.

"Don't act all sweet with me! How dare you, how absolutely dare you!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. David looked at his best friend, Wes, for help, but then turned back to Jessica. He looked into Jessica's eyes, but suddenly Jessica's rage got even greater.

"Don't try and talk to me through thoughts, I want all of your friends to know how much of a piece of shit you are." She screamed. Blaine's eyes went wide, and he looked at James, who was sitting next to him. James just shrugged his shoulders, and Blaine could tell that he was secretly loving the drama.

"Jessica, I have no idea what I've done." David said, David never done well with people being mad at him, but no one was going to stop Jessica.

"Remember last weekend when you had to cancel our date, because you "had to go to a family dinner", well that was bullshit!" Jessica said with rage. David turned to look at Wes with fear, who just gave him a reassuring smile and held his hand under the table.

"I wasn't lying Jessica, I did have a family dinner." David said quietly. Blaine looked back and forth from David to Jessica, hoping that this argument would either end soon of be taken somewhere else, for both of their sakes.

'This is so embarrassing.'

'What's embarrassing?'

'So remember David that I've mentioned a couple of times? Well his girlfriend has just barged into our Warbler practice and has started a really bad argument.'

'Sounds like Rachel and Finn when they were dating.'

'Oh, did they officially break up?'

'Yeah, Rachel didn't feel right being with Finn while talking to her soulmate, and Finn didn't want to be with Rachel while she was talking to someone else.'

'Wow, I feel bad for them.'

'They'll be fine, there's a lot of tears and heartache, but they'll survive.'

Blaine smiled and focused his attention back on Jessica and David.

"Oh, you did, did you? Then why don't you explain why Sophie saw you and Wes sitting in Nando's together the same evening?" Jessica said, crossing her arms against her chest and raising her eyebrow.

"I went to Nando's with Wes after I had dinner with my family." David explained, hoping that would calm down Jessica, but her rage didn't falter at all.

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