Chapter 6

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Blaine was sitting in his maths class, next to Nick. The class had just begun, and they were all waiting for the teacher to arrive.

"I don't think she's coming." Blaine said quietly to Nick. He nodded in agreement.

"Neither do I. I overheard someone earlier saying that she got involved with a student and the Dean found out." Nick said. Blaine scrunched his nose up in disgust, which just made Nick laugh. Blaine leaned back in his chair, forgetting about his Dalton charm since a teacher wasn't around.

"How are you and Jeff?" Blaine asked. Nick looked surprised at question and raised an eyebrow.

"Me and Jeff and good, why are you asking?" Nick asked, getting slightly defensive. Blaine raised his hands in surrender.

"Just asking, I mean, your birthday is soon, and Jeff is already 18." Blaine told him. Nick rolled his eyes and smiled at Blaine.

"Don't worry about that, me and Jeff are soulmates, we don't need ours connected thoughts to confirm that." Nick said confidently. Blaine smiled and nodded. Even if the thought of love and romance terrified Blaine, he always admired Jeff and Nick's love for each other.

"How are you and Kurt?" Nick asked, changing the subject. Blaine blushed slightly and looked away.

"We're okay. We're still in the process of getting to know each other, but it's going well, he's nice." Blaine said, holding back some thoughts. Nick smiled and bumped Blaine's shoulder slightly.

"Is my Blaine in love?" Nick asked, smiling uncontrollably. Blaine's eyes went wide and he whipped his head around to look at Nick.

"W-what... no, of course not. Me and Kurt are only f-friends, I've never even met him." Blaine said. Nick started laughing and placed a hand on Blaine's shoulder.

"Calm down Blaine, I'm only messing with you." Nick said. Blaine sighed and looked down at the desk he was sitting at, feeling embarrassed and his cheeks going a bright red.

"Do you like him though? I know you've always been on the fence about the whole soulmate deal, but now that it's happening to you, what do you think?" Nick asked. Blaine was silent, trying to think of an answer.

"I... Kurt's sweet, he's nice, and funny, and charming, I just don't know how I feel. I know I feel this... connection with him, but I don't know if that's just because we can communicate through thoughts, or if it's more." Blaine told him. Nick nodded and smiled sympathetically at him.

"Don't worry about it Blaine, it will all work out." Nick said. Blaine looked at him and smiled slightly, still not 100% convinced. A teacher then walked in and grabbed everyone's attention.

"Everyone, due to... an incident, Miss Watson will no longer be teaching at Dalton Academy. You are all dismissed to go to your next class." The teacher said. Everyone got up and began to pack away their things.

"Told you, Miss Watson got laid." Nick said. Blaine shook his head, chuckling.


The dinner hall wasn't too busy. Blaine would normally be sitting with his friends, but he lost track of time, and ended up being late to dinner, so he was sitting alone.

'Hello there Blaine, long time no talk.'

'It's only been around 18 hours.'

'18 hours too many my friend. What are you doing?'

'Eating my dinner alone. I normally sit with my friends, but I was too busy reading, so I missed the start of dinner.'

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