Chapter 14

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Rachel: I need everyone at my house ASAP.

Mercedes: What's up? Want us to come and celebrate since it's your birthday?

Kurt: Are you and Finn in a fight? Because he's been sulking around since he woke up.

Rachel: Please just come here as fast as can, it's urgent.

Kurt: I'll pick you up in 15 minutes 'Cedes.

Kurt quickly grabbed his keys, and gave his dad a quick explanation before walking out of the house and getting into his car. He made the quick 10 minute journey to Mercedes house, and parked outside of it.

Mercedes saw Kurt and got into the passengers seat, and Kurt started to drive to Rachel's house.

"I think Rachel and Finn are in a fight, he's been
moping around all day, and he's not speaking to any of us." Kurt said. Mercedes sighed and looked out of the window.

"I just thought that Rachel wanted us to come over and help her with her annual birthday party, and I thought that Finn and Rachel would spend the whole day together, since they can now both talk to their soulmate." Mercedes said. Kurt quickly looked at her and shrugged his shoulders, having no idea what's going on.

They pulled outside of Rachel's house, and walked up to the front door, knocking on it gently. The door opened and Hiram, one of Rachel's dads, was standing there.

"Hey guys, Rachel's in her room." Hiram said softly. He let them in, and Mercedes and Kurt made their way to Rachel's room.

They opened the door, and found Rachel curled up on her bed. Kurt and Mercedes shared a quick glance, and both moved to sit beside Rachel.

"Rachel, what's wrong?" Kurt asked worriedly, hearing Rachel's small sobs. Rachel looked up, and Kurt can see the tears rapidly falling down Rachel's face. Mercedes frowned and wrapped an arm around Rachel's body. She started to cry harder, while Mercedes hugged her and Kurt rubbed on her back comfortingly.

"Rachel, what happened? It's your birthday, you're supposed to be happy." Mercedes said. Rachel sat up and wiped away the tears.

"I- I... oh god." Rachel choked out, a new wave of tears coming. Mercedes and Kurt looked at each other, not having any idea what was going on. While Mercedes tired to calm down Rachel, Kurt pulled out his phone and opened Finn's contact.

Kurt: Do you know what's wrong with Rachel? She won't stop crying.

Finn: What's today?

Kurt: Rachel's birthday?

Finn: Yes, and what happens on someone's 18th birthday?

Kurt's eyes went wide, hoping that what he was thinking wasn't true.

"Rachel, Did you speak to your soulmate today?" Kurt asked. Rachel let out a sob and nodded.

"What happened Rachel?" Kurt asked quietly, afraid of the answer himself. Rachel sat up, wiped her tears away, and grabbed a pillow so she could hug it.

"Finn... Finn isn't my soulmate." She said quietly. Kurt's heart sunk, this is what he prayed wouldn't happen. Mercedes eyes went wide, and she covered her mouth with her hand in shock.

"Finn and I stayed up last night on Skype, waiting until it turned midnight so we could talk to each other through our thoughts. I was so excited, I had always dreamed of being able to talk to my soulmate, but when I met Finn, I fell in love with him. Whenever I thought of my soulmate, my mind went straight to Finn. I love him so much, so I never worried about him not being my soulmate, the thought never even crossed my mind. But when it turned midnight, and some guy called Gabriel started to talk to me, I was heartbroken. But to see Finn's face as he realised that we're not soulmates, that was the worst. And to add the cherry on top of this disgusting cake, I feel that connection with Gabriel, the connection that I was sure I felt with Finn. I love Finn so much, but how am I meant to do anything with him when I can speak to my soulmate and I feel a connection with him?" Rachel told them, tears quietly falling down her face. Kurt sighed, feeling the weight of Rachel's situation on his shoulders. Rachel hugged the pillow closer to her chest, while the room was silent, no one knowing what to say.

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