Chapter 2

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Kurt jumped as the bell rang. He had zoned out the whole class, since they were just watching a movie. Kurt grabbed his bag, and quickly walked out of the class. He tried his best to blend into the crowd, hoping that no one would recognise him, but he wasn't so lucky.

"Hey homo." a menacing voice said behind Kurt. Kurt turned around, and saw the last person he wanted to see. David Karofsky smirked at him, and shoved him against the nearest locker. Kurt winced in pain and put his hand to his injured shoulder. He watched as Karofsky laughed and walked away. Kurt sighed, and leaned against the locker, not caring that he was now late for class.

It was times like these that Kurt wished he had someone to talk to. Sure, he could talk to Mercedes or Rachel, but neither of them fully knew or understood what was going on. Kurt just wished that he had someone that he could fully open up to, someone that would be a shoulder to cry one, someone that could love him no matter what.

Please soulmate, hurry the fuck up.

Kurt managed to push himself up off the ground, and walked slowly to his next class.


Blaine was currently packing a bag for Jeff's house, since he'd be staying there for 2 nights. Jeff was bouncing up and down on his bed from excitement, Blaine was not the same though. At 12am, that night, he'd turn 18, and he'd be able to speak to his soulmate. Blaine wished more than anything that he wasn't turning 18, he wasn't ready to talk to the person that he's supposed to fall in love with.

"I'm so excited, I love parties!" Jeff said happily. Jeff had already packed to go home, so he was just waiting for Blaine. Blaine was purposely taking his time though, hoping that it would make the day go by slower.

"Blaine, hurry up! If you don't go any quicker, we're going to arrive at my house by midnight." Jeff said impatiently. Blaine just rolled his eyes and continued to pack.

"why don't you get Nick, since he's riding with us." Blaine said, hoping to have a minute of peace. Jeff jumped up at the thought of going to see his boyfriend. He nodded happily, and ran out of the room. Blaine chuckled at his best friends childness. Blaine finished packing his overnight bag, and walked out of his dorm, locking it behind him. He turned around and looked down the corridor, to see Jeff dragging his boyfriend down the hall. Blaine chuckled and shook his head lightly at the pair.

"Ready to go?" Jeff said, almost exploding from excitement. Blaine nodded, and the trio began to walk down the halls and out of the school. Jeff walked in front of Nick and Blaine, his excitement getting the best of him.

"Jeff hasn't stopped talking about this party all week. The other day, he was talking about this party, but he was so excited and started talking to quickly, and ended up passing out." Nick said. Blaine chuckled at the story.

"Classic Jeff. I don't know how we manage to keep up with him, most people wouldn't be able to stand his craziness." Blaine said. Nick looked ahead at his boyfriend and smiled, Blaine could see the love in Nick's eyes.

"The things we do for love." Nick said softly. Blaine smiled at Nick, but wondered how the couple managed to keep up with each other. Blaine always found the idea of himself being with someone strange. Blaine wasn't good at romance, he knew that ever since he tried to sing a song to his crush at their work, and ended up getting the guy fired. Blaine hadn't tried to go after anyone since then. Blaine never understood how people knew how to be romantic. Whenever Blaine saw Nick giving Jeff a bouquet of flowers, or Jeff organising a picnic for Nick, Blaine always wondered how they managed it. Blaine would find it really awkward if he done that to someone. He'd probably mess it up by picking the bouquet of flowers with bees in it, or make peanut and jelly sandwich, only to find out that the other person is allergic to peanuts.

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