Chapter 8

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Blaine looked in the mirror, he was wearing a black shirt, dark grey trousers, a black belt and black shoes. His hair was gelled excessively to hide his curls.

He looked nothing like his regular self, he hated this fake version of him, the 'professional' version of himself.

"Blaine, come down here now, the Miller's will be here any moment!" Blaine heard his mom shout. Blaine sighed and turned away from the mirror.

'Wish me luck.'

'Good luck Blaine, you'll be fine.'

Blaine smiled and made his way downstairs and to the front door, where his mother and father were standing, waiting for the guests to arrive.

"Stand up straight boy, we don't need them to think you're lazy." Michael said. Blaine straightened his back, and clasped his hands together, trying to look put together and professional.

There was a knock at the door, and Blaine's dad immediately moved to open the door.

"Dan, good to see you. Hello Audrey Darling. Stephanie, you've grown so much." Michael said, greeting all of them. Blaine and Pam moved forward to great them as well.

Danial Miller was around 5ft 10, and had slight muscles, he wore a black and white suit, and his hair was nonexistent. Audrey Miller was a short and skinny woman, she wore a mid length blue dress, and her straight blonde hair was down. Stephanie Miller was similar ages with Blaine, but she was slightly shorter than him, and was as skinny as her mother. She wore a white dress, and her light brown hair was in a low ponytail.

Blaine smiled at all of them, kissing both of the girls hands, as he had been taught too. Once everyone had greeted the other person, they all moved into the dining room. Blaine sat next to Stephanie, Pam and Michael sat at the heads of the table, Dan sat across from Blaine, and Audrey sat next to her husband. Skillet cod with lemon and capers was served to all of them, and everyone began to eat.

"So Stephanie, how old are you now, 16?" Michael asked her.

"17 actually sir." Stephanie corrected. Michael smiled at her and turned to Dan.

"They grow up so fast, I feels like it was just yesterday that I was bringing Blaine home from the hospital." Michael said. Dan smiled at him and agreed.

"I know, but Stephanie has grown up into such a mature young woman, we are so proud of her." Dan boasted. Stephanie looked down at her plate of food, blushing slightly.

"So has Blaine, he's got a perfect GPA, any law school would be lucky to have him." Pam said happily. Blaine resisted their urge to roll his eyes. Blaine's parents had always wanted Cooper to get into law and take over the business once their dad was gone, but after Cooper ran away to California to become an actor, all of their expectations fell onto Blaine's shoulder. Of course Blaine doesn't want to be a lawyer, but he'd never tell them that, in fear of the consequences.

"Our Stephanie has perfect grades as well, she's going to be taking over her mother's business when she's older." Dan said proudly. Stephanie looked up and smiled at all of them, then turned to Blaine.

"They're both very proud of us, I think they expect us to become an item." She whispered in Blaine ear, then winked at him. Blaine looked at her and smiled awkwardly, then turned back to look at his plate.

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