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"I don't really care" Caroline said with a smile "I mean, come on! It's your birthday!"

"And my birthday is just another day" Morgan replied, turning the page to the book she was reading "I don't need a party, nor do I want one. But, should you throw a party . ." looking at her "I just won't show up" a smile forming on her lips

"Morgan!" She whined

"Caroline!" The witch mocked

"Come on" she replied "plus, it gives us all a break from the whole Klaus drama! Especially since he finally backed off" a small smile forming on her lips "he finally got the point that I don't want anything to do with him. So this is also a celebration!"

"Then celebrate all you want" Morgan smiled "take a break from Klaus and the other Mikaelson's. But I don't celebrate my birthday anymore, and I haven't in a very long time" closing her book

"What's the big deal about your birthday?" Elena asked curiously "why don't you celebrate it?"

The witch couldn't help the slow sigh that emitted from her nose, leaning forward and looking at the Doppelgänger,

"It's not something I like to talk about" Morgan said "now . ." standing up from the couch "if you'll excuse me, I've been invited to go shopping. Apparently, I have a room in the Mikaelson Compound that needs to be filled and I can't exactly borrow her clothes because I'm almost two sizes bigger" turning around and walking toward the stairs

"You're hanging out with the she - devil?" Damon asked, causing Morgan to stop in her tracks "her brother nearly drained you dry! Not to mention that Hybrid dick threatens your life!"

"Damon" Morgan sighed, turning around and looking at the eldest Salvatore "I am not on your side. I am not on his side. I am neutral ground. Should one of you be on the brink of death, then I will help" giving him a smile "okay? Okay. Bye now" wiggling her fingers slightly

Morgan turned back around, walking out of the Boarding House and over to the car that just pulled up, opening the passenger door and getting inside, resting the book in her lap,

"We are in desperate need to fill your wardrobe" Rebekah said, a smile on her lips

"No. Pink" Morgan said, looking at her

"Black does seem to be more your color" Rebekah said, holding up a dress against Morgan's frame "and you're a bit bigger than me - not in a bad way, I promise" hanging the dress on a rack "unlike most women these days, you have curves in all the right places" giving the witch a smile

She couldn't help the small smile that formed on her own lips, looking at the rack of clothing in front of her, completely avoiding anything pink or close to the color, which caused a light chuckle to emit from Rebekah.

"Try this one" Rebekah said, pulling out a top

Rebekah dropped it in her outstretched hand, allowing Morgan to walk over to the dressing room, closing the curtain and hanging the top on the available hook, shrugging off her coat. She changed into the top that was picked out, which was a black crop top with no sleeves, adjusting it slightly, opening the curtain, looking at Rebekah. The blonde Original couldn't help but widen her eyes slightly, the crop top hugging her upper frame perfectly, but Rebekah was more focused on her arms, where beautiful tattoos lay, never seeing anything like them. Her right arm consisted of Koi fish, beautiful in color and would stop anyone upon sight, her left arm was more of a mural with a snarling wolf, trees with birds flying from them, but it was in black with perfect shading.

"They're beautiful" Rebekah said softly "when did you get them?"

"Long time ago" Morgan answered honestly "when I got them it was . . kind of the only time I've felt something" looking at the ink embedded into her skin

She walked back into the dressing room, quickly changing back into her own shirt, shrugging her coat back on and walking out, sitting down on the couch next to her own pile of clothes, Rebekah's pile being much taller and the blonde wanted her to get more clothes. Morgan raised her head slightly, her gaze forward for a moment before a small smile formed on her lips, Rebekah throwing a curious look toward her. She held up three fingers, lowering one, then another, using the last one to point to the entrance of the shop, the door opening as soon as she pointed to it, Klaus walking in. Rebekah, impressed, looked back to the rack of clothing,

"Hello, Nik" Rebekah greeted

"Rebekah" Klaus replied as he approached the two women "Morgan" his eyes lingering on the witch

"To what do we owe for this sudden visit?" Morgan asked

Morgan didn't know what compelled her to do it, but she couldn't help but shift to the side, throwing her legs over his as soon as he sat down next to her, Klaus raising an eyebrow slightly in amusement, but said nothing of it. Instead, he simply rested his hand on top of her leg, his thumb hidden but it was almost as if he were caressing her leg,

"Simply bored with the Salvatore's" Klaus said "and how are you fairing? I can see you're still alive - "

"Don't be an ass" Rebekah said, her back turned to them

A light chuckle emitted from Morgan, leaning back against the arm of the couch, the blonde Original letting out a frustrated sigh,

"I love this shirt" she said "but they don't have it in red"

She turned around, holding the shirt against her frame, looking at Morgan,

"Yes they do" Morgan said, a small smile on her lips

"No, they don't" she replied, looking back at the rack "I really wanted - "

Rebekah looked back down at the shirt she held against her, seeing that it was a deep red color, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. Morgan didn't even try to hide the smirk that formed on her lips, which caused a smile to form on Rebekah's, hurrying over to the dressing room to try it on. A small sigh emitted from the witch's nose,

"What's happened to you, love?" Klaus asked softly, causing Morgan to look at him

". . . Life" she answered simply "life is what happened to me. There's a reason I don't celebrate my birthday, you know. It's just like any other day . ."

"But I can also see something else" his eyes connecting with her deep gray "you smile, yet it doesn't reach your eyes. In other words, love . . . you may have been alive for so long, but you haven't truly lived"

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