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Klaus sat on one of the couches, sketchbook in his lap and pencil in hand as his hand moved fluidly on the paper, sketching out the woman who plagued his mind, the woman sitting across from him with a book in her lap. She leaned against the arm of the couch, feet tucked under her thighs, completely engrossed in the book, wanting to know what happened next. The hybrid drew exactly what he saw when he looked at her, even that stray lock of hair that fell in front of her face, the witch not even bothering with it anymore. A ghost of a smile formed on his lips, glancing at Morgan for a quick second before looking back at the sketchbook, but stopped suddenly when writing began to form on an empty spot on the page, a chuckle emitting from him,

Do you have anything sweet?

The writing erased itself, causing Klaus to look up at the witch, who's gaze was down at the book, a smirk on her lips,

"Good book?" Klaus asked, raising an eyebrow

"It's okay" she answered, her smirk growing slightly

Closing the sketchbook, Klaus set it down on the coffee table, getting up from his seat and walking over to the kitchen, Morgan closing the book she was reading, standing from her seat and following the hybrid. She hopped on the counter, gripping the sides and crossing her right leg over her left, Klaus opening the freezer, looking through it for a moment. Reaching in, he moved a few things, pulling out a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, tossing it up slightly and catching it, letting the door close and looking at Morgan with a smirk. He grabbed two spoons, setting the tub of ice cream down next to her, removing the lid and handing one of the spoons over to her, the two of them digging in,

"A bit odd, isn't it?" Morgan asked "you threatened my life two weeks ago, and here we are, eating ice cream"

"It is a bit odd, yeah" he replied honestly "call it fate" causing a small scoff to emit from her "don't you witches believe in that?"

". . I've learned to believe things happen for a reason" she said softly "the spirits, they send things my way for a reason"

"Lucius?" leaning forward against the counter

"Along with Roman" scooping up some of the ice cream "both sent to me by the spirits . . after my dark time" eating the small amount

"Dark time?" slightly raising an eyebrow "care to elaborate, love?"

". . . The dark time . ." She trailed off "is when I tried to - "

"Hello, Nik" a female said as she walked in the kitchen "playing with another one of your toys?"

"Now, now, dear sister" Elijah said as he walked in as well "that is no way to treat a guest"

The blonde paused when she was at the fridge, turning around with a smirk forming on her lips,

"Then can I have a taste?" she asked, taking a few steps toward Morgan "I'm starving"

"You will not harm her, Rebekah" Elijah ordered

"Oh, I won't" she smirked

Elijah sped in front of Morgan, facing his sister and giving her a pointed look, causing her to stop in her tracks, especially as Klaus stood straight, looking at her with a small glare.

"Sharing the blood bag, then?" She asked, a small scoff emitting from her as she crossed her arms over her chest

"I am simply a guest" Morgan said, eating more of the ice cream "and definitely not a blood bag" looking at Rebekah

Morgan gave her a sarcastic smile, watching as a small smile formed on Rebekah's lips,

"I like you" she declared "I'm Rebekah"

"Morgan" the witch replied

The sound of her phone ringing filled the air, causing Morgan to pull it out from the pocket of her sweats, looking at the caller ID for a second,

"Yes, Stefan?" Morgan asked, holding the phone to her ear

"About your birthday . ." He trailed off "Caroline may or may not have found out"

"Did you tell her I don't want to do anything?" raising an eyebrow slightly

"She doesn't care" he sighed "she wants to throw party"

"Stefan" she groaned "celebrating the day of my birth is not a big deal. It's like any other day in my life" she held up a finger when Klaus opened his mouth to speak, silencing him, "please stress that I don't want to do anything"

"I'll try" he replied honestly "but knowing Caroline, once she has her mind set on something, she doesn't really give up"

"Even though she's only known me for three weeks?" She asked

"Of course" Damon said "your sarcasm and blunt attitude is what made them like you. So whether you like it or not, you're having a big birthday bash for the first time in - "

"Damon" she smiled lightly, earning a small chuckle

"Let her throw the party and I'll sneak you out" he compromised

". . Fine" she sighed

"So are you fully recovered from Elijah's feeding frenzy?" He asked

"Damon!" She scolded

Rebekah's eyebrows raised, looking at her older brother, her arms crossing over her chest,

"What?" Damon asked "the guy fed from you!"

"And he also helped me recover!" She countered "why should you care anyway? You didn't even help when I asked, Stefan did"

"You know damn well why I care, Morgan" he replied "what I don't get is why you helped him in the first place! Especially after all we told you!"

"That makes no difference" she said "it was also an accident, I had to help him. That's what I do, Damon. I help those in need, just like I helped you, and Stefan and even Elena. Elijah needed my help and I was the only one able to do so, I suggest you let it go. I'll be back tomorrow"

She hung up, setting the phone down next to her and letting out a small sigh through her nose,

"Birthday?" Klaus asked, a smirk forming on his lips

A small groan emitted from her as she let her head fall forward, a light chuckle emitting from Elijah,

"You are not helping" Morgan said, looking at him "at all"

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