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With a book in her hands, Morgan relaxed on one of the couches, her legs stretched along the length of it, turning the page and reaching for her mug that was on the coffee table, grabbing the handle, bringing it to her. She took a sip of her tea, reading a page, Damon walking in with a glass of bourbon, looking at her for a brief second before picking up her feet, sitting down and resting her feet on his legs,

"Is this what you do all day?" Damon asked, looking at her

"Yes, Damon" she replied "this is what I do all day" turning another page "I can no longer sell stones or charms, so technically, I have nothing better to do" taking another sip of her tea

"Boring" he muttered playfully "so, I have a question" looking at her "can you help us with the whole Klaus - "

"Your business is your business, Damon" she sighed

"He threatened you" he shot back

"An empty threat" looking at him "he didn't kill me, that would be a completely different story if he did. Your business with Klaus is your business, the only reason he's angry with me is because I made the potion for Elena"

"And yet you're here" Stefan added as he walked in

"Because I know he will use innocent people in order to attempt kill me" she replied "if he finds me, both of you know I can take care of myself. We are not having an argument"

She closed her book, removing her legs from Damon's and standing up from her seat, walking out of the living area, making her way over to the kitchen, wanting something sweet. Morgan knew Damon and Stefan meant well, but they knew she was able to protect herself without having to lift a finger. A small sigh emitting from her nose, finishing off her tea and rinsing out her mug, placing it on the dish rack and looking through the cabinets and the refrigerator. She closed the door, walking out of the kitchen,

"You have nothing sweet" she informed

Morgan walked upstairs, heading to her bedroom to get dressed. She laced up her boots, a small smile forming on her lips when Lucius curled around her neck, Roman standing on his legs and hopping off the bed. Running a hand through her hair, she walked back downstairs, heading out the door and walking down the road. Technically, the only thing she was able to do was walk, the car she had was a rental in order for her to transfer her things. Since she had done that, she returned it with Damon driving her back, and now she had been in the Boarding House for days with nothing to do, she was lucky enough to bring her books, something to keep her entertained for a little while. But since she had read them over again, she was dying for a new read. Damon never got the fact that she had so much power, and chooses to do nothing with it, the only reason she chose not to use it was because she felt as if she didn't deserve it.

The only escape she had was deep inside a book.

With her pace, she managed make it into town, finding a bookstore known as The Willows Den, where she acquired a new book, the amount of pages adding up to the size of her wrist. She entered a building, Wich was named Mystic Grill, preventing herself from making a comment on the originality, looking around for a bit, a small smile forming on her lips. Morgan found an empty table, figuring it wasn't as packed as it normally was because of the teens being in school, naturally assuming it was their hangout spot. Sitting down, she placed the book on the table, snatching the small menu that was in between the salt and pepper shakers, looking it over for a moment.

"Welcome to Mystic Grill" a server said as he walked up to her "can I start you off with something to drink? Or are you ready to order?"

"I will have . . ." Morgan trailed off, looking at the menu "a chocolate shake, extra drizzle, with a side of fries" looking at him with a smile "please"

"Coming right up" he smiled, walking away

She put the menu back where she found it, grabbing her book and opening it to the first page, leaning back in her seat, crossing her left leg over her right, getting comfortable as she waited for her snack. Sure, Morgan had read the story a hundred times over, but she was never able to put it down. She was a sucker for plays and she wasn't afraid to admit it. Morgan always ignored when Damon teased her about it, reading it anyway because books were the only things that removed her mind from her crazy life, even if she didn't do much. Maybe it was the fact that she had lived for so long, watching as the world changed while she did her best to keep up.

"The Phantom of The Opera and Other Gothic Tales?" A male voice asked

Morgan looked up, seeing a man standing there, dressed in a suit with his hair styled to where it fit him, but Morgan knew otherwise. He wasn't just a man, but she was going to roll with it.

"Yes" Morgan replied, a small smile forming on her lips "have you read it?"

"Many times" he smiled "and I've seen the plays"

"Beautiful is it not?" her smile growing slightly

"It is" he nodded "Elijah Mikaelson"

" . . . Morgan" she replied, holding a hand out to him

He gently took her hand in his, bending slightly and placing a soft kiss to her knuckles, causing very light tint of pink to form on her cheeks, watching as he stood straight, releasing her hand.

"Would you mind?" He asked, gesturing to an empty seat

"Not at all" she replied, giving him a small nod

He sat down in front of her, Morgan placing the opened book on the table as she looked at him,

" . . . You said your last name was Mikaelson, correct?" Morgan asked

"Yes" he replied with a small nod

"Any relation to Klaus?" glancing down at her book 

". . He is my younger brother" he answered "I assume you've had a run-in with him?"

"You could say that" she replied "and all I did to piss him off was help out a friend"

"He does have a bit of a temper" he nodded "especially when people interfere with his plans"

The server walked over to the table, setting a large chocolate milkshake down in front of her, followed with a basket of fries,

"Enjoy" the server said with a smile, then turning to Elijah "can I get you anything?"

"Coffee" Elijah replied "please"

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