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She adjusted the sleeves of her shirt, one that hugged her frame perfectly as her boots thumped on the hardwood flooring, walking over to her front door. She paused for a moment, a small scoff emitting from her, opening the door and crossing her arms over her chest, looking at the one and only Stefan Salvatore.

"Morgan!" Damon greeted with a smile "good to see you - "

She rolled her eyes, turning around and walking away from the opened door, letting her arms fall to her sides, heading over to the kitchen. The trio at the door watched as she walked away, Damon letting out a small sigh through his nose as he followed after her. Stefan briefly closed his eyes,

"Is someone in bad mood?" Damon asked

"I saw your brother, you tell me" Morgan replied

"Still on that thing from '32?" He smirked, leaning forward against her counter

"Well, I never actually received any type of apology" she shot back "so, yeah. I'm still on that thing from '32"

Turning around, Morgan opened a cabinet, pulling down her favorite mug and pouring herself a cup of coffee, she turned to her fridge, only to find Damon standing there with her cream. She looked at him for a moment, holding the mug out to her, allowing him to pour her desired amount, watching as she moved her finger in a circular motion, which stirred her coffee. A small smile formed on her lips, letting out a low sigh through her nose as Damon put the cream back in the refrigerator, taking a sip of the hot liquid, her eyes trailing over to his little brother, who stood there with a young woman. She was looking around the kitchen, which was a decent size, not too big but not small either, a small hum emitting from Morgan. Walking over to her, she set the mug on the counter as she did, watching in amusement as she took a step back, almost as if she feared her.

Morgan reached out, lightly gripping the girl's chin, who seemed to stiffen at the touch, but letting her tilt her head slightly to the left, then to the right, a smirk forming on her lips as a light scoff emitted from her,

"Wow" Morgan muttered "you've got serious issues, Stefan" releasing her chin "the resemblance is uncanny. How many times have you been mistaken to be Katherine, Elena?" turning around and walking back over to the counter

". . Too many" Elena replied, pausing for a moment "wait . . how do you know my name?"

"Elena . ." Stefan began "this is a good friend of ours - "

"Correct yourself, Stefan" Morgan said, lifting her mug and taking another sip

". . A good friend of Damon's" he corrected, letting out a small sigh "Morgan Reign"

"And how do you guys know each other?" Elena asked, eyeing her

"I didn't sleep with him, Elena" Morgan smirked "too broody for my taste. Let's just say I helped the brothers in the past. One repaid me handsomely, the other . . ." shaking her head slightly "not so much"

"Morgan" Stefan sighed "listen - "

"I never did get to ask . . . " Morgan said, cutting him off "but, how did it feel?" looking at him "holding my life in your hands?" watching as guilt formed across his face "how did it taste . . when you drained me dry?" causing him to look down at the floor "and to top it all off, how did it feel when you snapped my neck?" leaning back against the counter "let me show you"

Raising her hand, palm facing Stefan, Morgan rotated her wrist to where her palm faced her, a satisfying snap filling the air, Stefan falling limp to the floor, a scream emitting from Elena as she kneeled down next to him,

"Relax, Elena" Morgan said, taking another sip of her coffee "he'll be out for a bit, but he'll come back. Now tell me, who the hell did you piss off to the point where you needed to come to me for a protection spell?"

"How . . ?" Elena asked, looking up at her "how could you know about . ."

"Has she not figured it out yet?" raising an eyebrow as she looked at Damon

"Haven't really told her" Damon shrugged as he went through her pantry "I'm taking one of your Cheetos" snatching a small bag of chips

A small sigh emitted from her nose, shaking her head slightly at his antics, looking at Elena,

"I'm a witch, little Doppelgänger" Morgan explained "but . . my power is different than the average witch or coven"

"Oh, please" Damon smirked "there's no need to be modest, Morgan" looking at Elena "she has the power of five covens combined. She could probably wipe out all of California if she wanted"

"Now you're just exaggerating" she replied, looking at him

"So you can't whip up a protection spell in three hours?" He asked, raising an eyebrow slightly

". . . I can do it in an hour and a half" she smiled sheepishly

"If it's just a spell, then why does it take so long?" Elena asked, confusion laced in her voice

"It's . . more of a potion" Morgan explained, turning her gaze to the Doppelgänger "and since I specialize in protective charms and such, the time it takes to make them slowly becomes less and less. But I need to check if I have everything I need"

She set her coffee mug back on the counter, gesturing for them to follow, Elena hesitantly standing straight, looking at Stefan,

"He'll be fine!" Morgan called "he knows the way!"

Elena looked in the direction they walked in, letting out a small sigh through her nose, following after the witch and the vampire. Just like before, the basement door opened as soon as Morgan stepped in front of it, walking downstairs, Elena watching in amazement as the candles lit up as she passed by them, not even raising a finger or even looking at them. She looked around the rather large basement,

"Touch. Nothing" Morgan said, looking at Elena "that goes for you too, Damon! Put it back!"

Damon grumbled under his breath, placing the book back exactly where it was, Morgan rolling her eyes slightly as she looked at her shelf of ingredients.

"Everything from me comes with a price" she informed "you do remember that, don't you, Damon?"

"Of course" Damon replied, looking at his friend

"Then, you have something I may be interested in?" She asked

"How about stones?" Stefan asked as he walked down the stairs with a brown leather bag

Morgan looked at him, raising an eyebrow slightly as he walked over to one of the tables, setting the bag down with a heavy thud, taking a few steps back, watching as Damon walked up the stairs, out of the attic.

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