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"Now, why would a little witch such as yourself be here?" Klaus asked, leaning against the counter next to Morgan, picking up a jar "making some kind of spell to stop me from making more hybrids?"

He looked at the contents of the jar, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he looked at the contents, seeing the ingredients Morgan had during their first encounter,

"Like I told you the first time" Morgan said, turning her head to look at him "I have trouble sleeping" taking the jar from his hands "I'm making tea" turning to the other ingredients "would you care for some?"

"Offering tea . . after I threatened your life?" He smirked, looking at her "rather odd, isn't it?"

"Not the first to threaten me and certainly won't be the last" shaking her head slightly with an amused smile "but there is something I don't particularly understand and I do hope you can clear things up for me?" glancing at him, earning a small nod "you wanted Elena to be protected, her and the Salvatore's came to me and I made a potion designed to protect her from every supernatural creature. Why would you come to me and threaten me?" looking at him

"I simply wanted to know who made the potion and striking fear seems to do the trick" he answered, leaning a little closer to her "but back to my first question . ."

"A simple recovery" she answered bluntly, looking at him "I may be physically weak, but I could still put you on your ass"

A grunt emitted from Morgan as she was suddenly slammed against a wall, Klaus's hand tightly around her neck as he leaned in closer to her,

"How about now?" He asked

"Niklaus, release her!" Elijah demanded as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen

"Stay out of this, Elijah" Klaus replied, keeping his murderous gaze on Morgan "this is simply between the little witch and I"

Morgan couldn't help the smirk that formed on her lips, watching as his eyebrows furrowed slightly, a sudden yell emitting from him as he released her neck and grasped his head as pain began to fill him. But it was more than the first time, it felt as if Klaus wanted to drive a white oak stake into his heart just to relieve the pain,

"Elijah" Morgan said, looking at him "care for some tea?" giving him a smile

"I would love some" he replied, a smile forming on his lips

She glanced at Klaus, another yell slowly diminishing as the pain lessened, Morgan walking around him and back over to the counter, putting the last remaining ingredients in the grinder before getting to work. An angered growl emitted from Klaus, speeding toward Morgan, only to be thrown back and slammed against the nearest wall, a grunt emitting from him because of the impact.

"I am not your enemy, Klaus" Morgan stated simply "but I am also not an ally. I'm more . . neutral ground" turning to look at him "I helped my friends, but I also helped your brother - which is why I'm here"

"She saved my life, Niklaus" Elijah confirmed

"So, here's what will happen" she continued "I will release you, and you will sit calmly while I make tea. And if it's fine with Elijah" gesturing to the Mikaelson "he will explain the whole situation" earning a small nod, causing her to look back to Klaus "if not, then you will either stay there until I leave, or I calcify you. Take your pick"

". . Servants of Nature don't go near dark magic" Klaus muttered

"Then it's a good thing I am hardly a servant of nature" she smiled softly

He paused, looking at her for a moment. Her body language was calm, the smile assuring him that she will do everything she had said if he didn't listen. But it was when he looked into her eyes, he saw everything no one else did, keeping it well hidden from those who wouldn't bother.




This caused Klaus to furrow his eyebrows slightly, wondering why she would be in pain, strangely wanting to know. Klaus gave her a small nod, and almost immediately, he was released from the hold she had on him, her smile growing slightly, turning around and grinding the herbs down.

Morgan poured the tea into three cups, sliding one over to Klaus, then one to Elijah, leaving the third one in front of her, placing the kettle back on the burner. She sat down in the empty chair, one leg bent toward her chest as she leaned back, looking at Klaus, who looked to be deep in thought. Elijah explained the situation between himself and Morgan, and he was helping her recover from the lack of blood.

"I've never thought you of all people would lose control, dear brother" Klaus commented

"Her blood is like no other" Elijah replied "in my thousand years of living, no one, not even a witch, has had blood so sweet"

Klaus looked at Morgan with slightly furrowed eyebrows, the witch resting an arm on her knee, digging her thumbnail into the skin of her index finger, briefly closing her eyes at the sting, her nail piercing her skin, a bead of blood running down her finger. Veins grew under Elijah's eyes, but quickly faded as he gained control, Morgan's dark gray eyes looking at Klaus, watching as his hand slowly clenched into a fist, controlling his breathing as the same thing happened under his eyes. Morgan was surprised to see that he was in control, other vampires wouldn't be able to help themselves at the simple smell of her blood, charging at her, wanting a taste.

"Nature finds a balance" Morgan said softly, looking at the bead of blood "a witch with the immortality of a vampire, has a weakness, the blood running through my veins saves a life if they're are bitten by Lucius, but takes mine if they consume too much . . because of the taste"

The small wound healed within a minute, Morgan cleaning the blood from her finger, a small sigh emitting from her,

"And you just . . come back?" Elijah asked

"After my blood is replenished enough" she replied, giving him a small nod "it also depends on how much they take. If it's too much, then I could be out for weeks and even after that, it would take a few more weeks to fully recover. But you didn't take nearly as much, because I stopped you. Thus, me being unconscious for three days"

"How did you manage that?" Klaus asked, looking at her

"I am a witch of many talents" she answered, a small smile forming on her lips "some of those talents . . ." shaking her head slightly "I can't even explain"

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