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Morgan felt as if she were on a cloud, floating as high as she possibly could, covered in warm fluff. Her breathing hitched in her throat, eyes slowly opening, quickly getting used to the dim light that surrounded her. It was bright enough to where she could see, but dark enough to make anyone comfortable. However, this wasn't her room in the Boarding House, and this surely wasn't her bed. She planted her hands on the sheets, slowly pushing herself up, a wave of lightheadedness flowing through her, causing her to close her eyes. Letting out a slow breath through her lips, Morgan continued to push herself up, keeping one hand planted on the matress, she moved her hair away from her face, her eyes instantly looking to her wrist as the feel of something wrapped around it. A bandage was wrapped around her right wrist, snug but not too tight, looking down at herself when she realized her top wasn't the same.

A dark gray button down shirt hung loosely on her frame, one that she didn't recognize, immediately knowing it wasn't Damon's or Stefan's size because they were more slim than what she was wearing. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, lifting the comforter that had fallen to her lap, seeing that she was in a pair of black sweats, ones that weren't her own either, dropping the comforter as she looked around the room. The clothes she had worn at the Grill were nearly folded on a chair by the window, her boots on the floor and coat hung over the back of the chair. Morgan turned toward the door across the room, scooting up a little more just as it opened, Elijah stepped inside, opening the door completely, a tray in his free hand. The door closed as he walked closer to her,

". . How long was I out?" Morgan asked

"Three days" Elijah answered ". . . I had taken too much, I hope you accept my sincerest apologies, Morgan"

"I knew the risks of feeding you my blood" looking at him "I knew what would happen. It's my fault you were in that position. I should be the one to apologize"

"You did nothing wrong" he replied, putting the tray on the nightstand at her left

"If I hadn't taken him with me, you wouldn't have been bitten" she countered ". . He thought you were going to attack me. That's why he bit you"

"I've never experienced that type of pain" he confessed, sitting down as she moved her legs away

He held out his hand, causing Morgan to give him her own, which allowed him to move the sleeve upward, revealing part of a tattoo, letting him replace the bandages wrapped around her wrist,

"His venom is very different in comparison to other snakes" Morgan explained "a single drop can kill five people. If bitten, the venom slowly dissolves the organs from the inside, causing immense pain. Death only arrives when the venom dissolves the heart, but my blood stops the venom and reverses the effects, but they'll still be in pain until their organs are completely restored"

"Why have such a dangerous animal at your side?" He asked

"He was sent to me" she replied "by the spirits, who bound him to me"

Elijah removed her bandage, a low sigh emitting from him when he saw the bite he inflicted on her, but his eyebrows furrowed slightly upon further inspection, the wound was very different compared to yesterday.

"It'll heal completely in a few days" she informed "I just need to get back to fighting speed"

A small smile formed on his lips, grabbing a fresh bandage from the tray, being as gentle as he could while he wrapped it around her wrist, his hands were slightly calloused, but gentle as he handled her wrist, causing a small smile to form on Morgan's lips. He made sure the bandage was secure, allowing Morgan to slowly rotate her wrist, giving him a thumbs up, earning a light chuckle, gathering the used bandage and standing up from the bed to dispose of them. The sound of buzzing filled the room, causing Morgan to look on the nightstand, seeing her phone next to the tray, the witch scooting closer to it. As she grabbed the phone, it stopped buzzing, her eyebrows furrowing when she looked at the screen,

96 Messages

104 missed calls 

83 voicemails

"It hasn't stopped buzzing since I brought you here" Elijah informed as he walked back in "one would safely assume the Salvatore brothers are worried about you"

"I'm gonna call them if that's okay" Morgan replied, looking at him, earning a small nod

Unlocking her phone, Morgan pulled up her contacts and clicked on Damon's name, putting the phone to her ear, the dial tone only ringing once before it was answered,

"Morgan, what happened!?" Damon demanded "where are you? I swear if that Mikaelson bastard hurt you - "

"Damon" Morgan scolded, causing him to grow silent

She looked at Elijah, mouthing sorry to him, earning a small nod in return,

"I'm okay" she continued, a small sigh emitting from her nose

"Okay?" Damon asked "okay!? You've been gone for three days and all you can say is you're okay!?"

"He took too much" she explained "I was out for three days, I knew what would happen, but I got him to stop before he could kill me. I. Am. Okay. I'm recovering, and I'm safe. I'm still strong enough to use my power in case he tries anything, but barely strong enough to move on my own"

"What the hell were you doing with him anyway?!" He demanded "he's with Klaus and - "

"I will snap your neck through this phone" she said bluntly

Damon let out a small sigh through his nose, Morgan knew he was running a hand through his hair,

". . . Will Elijah keep you safe from Klaus while you recover?" Stefan asked

"I will" Elijah replied "I give you my word. And she will be returned safely when she is fully recovered"

"Okay" he replied

"Morgan" Damon said "I swear - "

The witch rolled her eyes, hanging up the phone and tossing it on the bed, leaning back against the headboard and resting her hands in her lap,

"The Salvatore brothers" Elijah said, walking to the tray "they care for you"

". . Not in the way you think" Morgan replied, looking at him "I helped them a while back and they became . . brother figures. But when Stefan was Ripper, he drained me and snapped my neck. When they showed up at my doorstep asking for the potion, that was the first time I had seen either of them in a long time"

He gave her a small nod, removing the covering over a plate, steam instantly rising from it, a small smile forming on Morgan's lips when she saw scrambles eggs, strawberry yogurt in a small bowl, granola in another small bowl, a slice of buttered toast and a tall glass of orange juice. She moved her hands as he gently placed the tray on her lap,

"You need to eat something" he informed

"Thank you, Elijah" Morgan said softly

"I should be the one thanking you" he smiled lightly

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